Saturday, 26 January 2013


I remember years ago while struggling to course through life and its hurdles, how I used to think I had no potential. I was living in backsliding having met Christ before. Things were tough. Then Christ came knocking at my heart again, I accepted Him back into my life. And He gave me one thing, the capacity to dream...and I started dreaming again like a child would do. Even when there was no food in the stomach, I dreamt. While the struggle continued, the dreams became bigger.
Many years later, there was one week I had so many ministrations (3 within a week) that took me across 2 higher institution campuses (a University and FCE), and a church. By then I was already working as a Medical Doctor, and this in itself was a childhood dream that came to pass after 18years. The dreams were gradually coming to pass.
Today, I am happily married to my sweetheart and ever-supportive partner in ministry; a trained Computer Engineer turned banker. I have been privileged to be on TV and radio several times. I have preached the word in places by God’s grace. I have written a book (with the publishers). I have mentored and still do mentor others. I have been privileged to meet/interact with great men. I have taught God’s word online which have been read across several countries. And I have not ceased to dream...the journey is just beginning.
I remember those days, how tough things were. I have shared some touching and deeply moving testimonies of what I passed through and endured. Some people have found them so hard to believe because my present phase (by grace) does not reflect the pains of the past. I look back, and I tell you, IT CAN ONLY BE GOD.
If God can do it for me, there is no doubt He will do the same and much more for you. Things may not be fine for you now, but you also can take a step towards destiny. Look at these;
“But the path of the just (righteous) is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18)
“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace” (Psalm 37:37)
Friend, it is time to stop playing religion, and start a personal relationship with God. Everyone you see who excels has a secret life. For some, it is the devil. And for you, it has to be God. Those who become great through the devil will end in Hell; “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). While those who become great through God and remain in God, will end in Heaven. This is what it means to be truly great; a greatness life with eternal prospects.
Then, you must dream. It is God’s vehicle to the land of greatness. I noticed that when you know God and pray to become great, God puts a dream in your heart. You have to pursue your dream(s), therein lie(s) your destiny. A dreamless life is death. Do not go through life like a dead man. May God make you truly great.
Happy weekend.

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