Saturday, 26 January 2013


There is a way to live in victory over the enemy.
“Neither give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27)
It did not say give a little place to the devil or give some allowance for the devil. GIVE NO SPACE! The devil is not a nice man though he forms niceness. There is no kindness in his dictionary; he does not know the meaning. How come those he gives (evil) power and fame here in the world he eventually torments them the most in Hell?
One thing the devil does is to take advantage of situations. For example, someone hurts you and you are feeling so bad...the devil that perhaps was far away would sense that advantage of hurt in your heart, and then he tries to take advantage of it. If that person is not careful, he/she will start thinking of vengeance, malice, hurtful words.
Now, to be hurt may not be a sin, but the devil took advantage and brought vengeance, malice, hurtful words....these are sins. What happened? The devil took advantage of the situation. This is how he takes advantage of disagreements, hunger, lack, etc. Someone might be hungry, which is not a sin. But the devil who was faraway sees an advantage and takes it up, for example by suggesting some “fine” moves to get money for food, like framing up a (false) story, etc.
The Bible admonishes us;
“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Cor. 2:11).
Our lives can so much incapacitate the devil that he sits down doing nothing but waiting for an opportune time to return. This was what he did to Jesus, “Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time” (Luke 4:13, NKJV).
But that time never came! The devil will not have any opportunity against us in Jesus’ name.
1.      The devil has no place in my life, my marriage, my relationship, my family, my future, my destiny in the name of Jesus.
2.      I rebuke the devil in any area of my life where I have given him space (mention them); I freeze him out by fire!

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