Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90 years old; both were far into androPAUSE and menoPAUSE. But the 2 “PAUSES” combined together did not matter when God decided to press the PLAY button of the covenant. Isaac was the product!
Many people experience “PAUSE”-like situations in their lives: financial-“PAUSE”, relationship-“PAUSE”, marriage-“PAUSE”, ministerial-“PAUSE”, etc. These are times when it seems like no matter how hard you try, your best just never seems to count, and your life seem to be on hold.
It is a time when people accept they have come to the end of the road, when it sounds like certain conditions have become hopeless. This is the condition of many marriages that have hit the rock, and also many who are suffering from what medicine calls terminal illnesses such as advanced cancers, end-organ damages, etc. And many believers who find themselves in similar situations have “given up on God”, accepted it as their fate, and thrown-in the towel. What a “PAUSE”!
I’ld like to tell you that God identifies with every “PAUSE”-like situation in your life. “In all their afflictions He was afflicted” (Isaiah 63:9). “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities” (Heb. 4:15a). I pray for you that everything that appears to have put your life and destiny on a “PAUSE” against the will of God will bow to the power of God in 2013. You will make forward progress in Jesus’ name.
God made nature and the laws that govern it. Creatures are under the ordinance of the laws of nature. For example, the law of gravity states that ‘Anything that goes up must surely come down’. Archimede’s principle (law) of floatation states that ‘Anything that goes up must surely come down’. Archimede’s principle (law) of floatation states that ‘An object immersed in liquid experiences an upward thrust equal to the weight of liquid it displaces, so that light objects float and heavy objects sink’. Newton’s third law of motion states that ‘For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction’, etc.
But when God was creating nature and the principles via which they will operate, the same God made something like “A Window”, which is the opening via which the laws of nature can be suspended. And when the need arises, God operates through this window to make things that are opposed to the laws of nature to work. And this divine phenomenon of supernatural suspension of the laws of nature is called ‘MIRACLE’. Let me explain;
-          When Jesus was to ascend to Heaven after resurrection, the law of gravity was suspended. When God took Enoch and Elijah to Heaven, He suspended the law of gravity.
-          When Jesus and then Peter (before he staggered) walked on water, the law of floatation a.k.a. Archimde’s principle was temporarily suspended.
-          When Mary became conceived of a child, Jesus, the law of fertilization was suspended.
-          When Abraham and Sarah at 100 years and 90 years respectively beget Isaac, the law of menopause and andropause was suspended.
-          When you give God 10% in tithe and He loads you with tremendous blessings that fill your storehouses, He just suspended the Newton’s third law of motion.
God made principles and the world operates under these principles. But He that made the principles never ceases to be the Principality (He is the Head over principality: “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power”, Col. 2:10). And so, when God works, principles and laws bow.
I once taught about the principality phenomenon where I described all the demonic principalities as products of the devil’s copycat nature. We are the original principalities because our Father is the Head of principalities. So the devil is trying to imitate the principle of our Kingdom by clowning some minor and insignificant entities called ‘demonic principalities and power’. We are the original principalities and we own the original we are born winners over the manifestations of the devil. No demonic principality be it witches; occults, etc can dare God’s children. We are the legitimate principalities; and every other principalities are fake.
Now, Mary did not need a man to become pregnant with the Saviour. It means that deeply, unlike what we know from medical science that it is sperm that fertilizes the egg (I know that too, at least I am a trained Medical Doctor), there is something more to that. It is not actually the sperm that makes babies, it is the Lord! The Bible did not say that “Children are the heritage of the sperm”...NO! It says, “Children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward” (Psalm 127:3). I am not disputing medicine, but through God I have come to know that it is God who makes babies and not sperms, though He might use sperm. But, if He chooses not to use sperm, He owes no one explanation. Or how come a woman who has had her womb removed will still miraculously bear children? It is not just the womb that holds baby for 9 months, it is God’s word, remember “He sustains/upholds ALL things (including the baby in the womb) through the word of His power” (Heb. 1:3). Glory!
Who says that you are impotent and cannot father a child, or that you are womb-less and thus cannot carry a baby? Ask Mary; she knew no man! Ask Abraham and Sarah; they were past the “medical age”. There are many ages; some stone-age, others medical age...but there is a “God-age” where nothing has passed or too late!!!

I do not know which area of your life you need the miracle hand of God to work for you; it could be you are trusting God for miracle in the life of a family member or someone...I present to you THE GOD OF AMAZING WAYS!!! God can do anything if only you will believe and hold on to Him in holiness. May God not only press the supernatural “PLAY” button in your life and break the yoke of every “PAUSE”, may He fast-forward your life into His divine.
(The Greatness Series Online @treasuredhouse)

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