Wednesday, 2 January 2013


The Bible says God "hath made us kings and priests" (Revelation 1:6; 5:10). Christians are kings and priests! Many claim this covenant, but they argue for "little" alcohol. But I tell you, God is against both the so-called little and the drunkenness. If you still argue, then you are either saying you are not a king and priest as God says you are, thus you are out rightly ineligible for His covenant and blessings; OR you have allowed alcohol to rob you of your godly heritage.
1.      A king should not drive wine or strong drink:
"It is not for is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink" (Proverbs 31:4).
2.       A priest should not drink wine or strong drink:
"And the Lord spake unto Aaron (God's priest), saying, do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou or thy sons...lest Thy shall die...And that ye may put a difference between holy and holy, and between clean and unclean" (Leviticus 10:8-10).
God says alcohol is both unholy and unclean, and can cause death (here and in hell).
If God has made us kings and priests, He has warned that alcohol is not for us.
The devil uses alcohol to destroy the covenant of kingship and priesthood that should operate in the lives of Christians. Any "Christian" who is still arguing about alcohol (whatever the quantity) and still struggling with it, such doesn't understand he/she has lost the king-ship life and authority we received in Christ. And such are enslaved to the devices, distractions and deceptions of the devil.
Do not be deceived by the teaching that came saying Alcohol is a bad habit and not a sin. Alcohol is not a bad habit, it is sin!

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