Tuesday, 15 January 2013


The Cross of Christ has been modernized in our generation; now made to be colourful, entertaining, without sobriety, full of glamour....hmmm. Someone shared how someone told him (like a complaint) that his messages make people sober. Thank God the man of God has remained undeterred as he continues to preach a balanced gospel with predominant emphasis on issues of eternal significance (Holiness, Rapture, Heaven, Hell, Restitution, etc).
In the past, the devil made people not to want to carry the cross (and follow Jesus). But now, it appears like the devil has switched strategy; he is no longer stopping men from carrying their crosses; he has exchanged the Old Rugged Cross and given Christians a ‘Modernized Cross’. Yes, they have a cross, but it is a modernized, compromised, golden cross. It is a cross that has turned the narrow way into a modernized broad way...people who claim they are on the narrow way now permit the lifestyles of the broad way: they drink, smoke, masturbate, fornicate, cheat, tattoo, do funky hair styles, etc. It has gotten to the point where worldly musicians are guest artists in church programs and gospel artists now honour invitation to sing in the worldly system with the slogan “pull them from the world”.
‘A modernized Cross’ where the Church altars now refrain from talking about sins because according to them when you condemn sin people will run away from the Church, and so anything goes in the congregation. It is now possible for an unmarried woman who became pregnant and attempted abortion with complications to call the pastor’s line for prayers, and the pastor will later not call her for questioning simply because he does not want to lose a Church member, perhaps a “tither”.
‘A modernized Cross’ that has made the church to become worldly and the world becoming “churchy”. It has become increasingly difficult to differentiate some youth gatherings from secular parties all in the name of so-called youth picnics, etc. One begins to wonder where are the ‘Youth Retreats’ of old, where we had cried our strength out as we sought God’s face for our lives and eternity?
It has gotten to a point where like the Bible says, 'People no longer want to endure sound doctrine'...so they avoid messages that make them sober. But the Bible says in several places that we should be "sober" in this race (1Pet. 1:13; 4:7; 5:8, Titus 1:8; 2:2, 4, 6, etc). People avoid TV channels where the raw gospel is being preached; rather they chose to tune to channels on miracles, prosperity, etc.
But, we must remain unfazed as we share the complete, balanced and raw gospel. Some will endure, while others will not. Remember, even Jesus preached something raw and truthful and then some of His disciples felt it was too tough to hear and follow and they turned back from following Him. “Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him” (John 6:60, 61, 61, 66). Many were offended at some of Jesus’ teachings, and the same thing is happening today, people get offended when certain undiluted messages are preached, some argue, others murmur, while still some will just quietly “unfriend” you either in real life or on Facebook...but at least, Jesus did not “unfriend” you (smile).
Should you find yourself in a place where throughout last year you did not hear messages on Rapture, Restitution, Revival, Holiness, Heaven, Hell...but only prosperity, deliverance, miracles, and the likes, I admonish you to look around for brethren who carry the end-time passion about Jesus’ return and interact with them in fellowship. You may not necessarily have to leave your local church (Except God is asking you to). Relate with like-minded brethren as "Iron sharpeneth iron", and "Deep calleth to deep"...and the Lord might just set up a fire in your bones about the message of the Old Rugged Cross, and others in your church may just begin to see light in your light.
And above all, let us continue to pray for our (spiritual) leaders that many will re-locate the first love. For many of them, this is what God holds against them: “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Rev. 2:4).
The truth is, ‘A Modernized Cross’ cannot inherit the crown of life...it is the Old Rugged Cross that will. Many will get to the gate of Heaven (because they were Born Again), but only to be re-directed to Hell because of a compromised life birthed by a Modernized cross. It will be profiting if we could just retrace our paths to where we have missed it and dropped the Old Landmark...it could be of eternal profiting to our souls.
(#The Greatness Series Online @treasuredhouse)
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