“After the angels finished praising,
Lord took me to Hell right away. He first showed me a place dealing with those
who were obsessed with sex. There were naked people tangled together in a large
round container, screaming loud. The container was jam packed with so many
people screaming constantly. A disc made of black iron, which looked like the
ladle to make a Chinese stuffed pancake, was hitting them by dropping on them.
The iron bar at the center of the disc was in operation, moving up and down.
The cast iron disc was striking them hard. The striking speed was slow at first
and very fast later. Every strike resulted in the burst of flesh in every
direction and their screams. The flesh would then return to the bodies and keep
attached to them until another strike hit them. The repeating tramping sound
filled the place along with their screams…!
“Therefore God gave them over in the
sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their
bodies with one another” (Romans 1:24)
“With eyes full of adultery, they never
stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed
brood!” (II Pet. 2:14)
What he showed me next was a male
homosexual. There was a thick iron rod stuck in the anus of the naked man. The
iron rod was so long that it would stick out of his mouth. It seemed to bend.
He was surprisingly hanging in the air and was tortured in that position. He
was beside himself due to pain. The devils were laughing at him, holding a
spear below him. One of them cut his penis out with a spear right away. He
screamed in such horrible pain and twisted his body. A new penis would keep
growing out in the old place. The devils were playing with the cut penis, made
fun of him, and played tricks on each other.
“In the same way the men also abandoned
natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men
committed shameful acts with.” (Romans 1:27).
“In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and
the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.
They serve as an example of.” (Jude 1:7).
What he showed me next were
female homosexuals. I saw two naked women: one of them was bound onto an
interrogation chair with four limbs spreading out, and the other was hanging
down from an iron wire with four limbs also spreading out. Cutting out the
breasts and vagina of the lying woman, the devils said “You lesbians don’t need
them, do you?” They cut the woman in a vertical line from the mouth to the
She was screaming hard and fainted. The
hanging woman was tortured in a similar way. She had her breasts and vagina cut
out and her stomach cut in half. The devils pulled down her the intestines
bursting out of her cut stomach, chewed them, and put them back in her stomach
in the process of having fun.”
“For this cause God gave them up unto
vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that
which is against.” (Romans 1:26)
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