should I have said father Abraham was right after all?!
generation is privileged and have received so much mercy from God just to help
us get it right with eternity impending. Jesus, not willing that any should go
to Hell, has been taking humans to Heaven and Hell so that they can come back
to life and warn humanity to escape Hell and embrace Heaven. Many times these
people chosen by God for these assignments pass through loads of pains in order
to bring back these messages from the other side.
there are people who because of their ways and doctrines condemn or rather find
faults with these revelations of Heaven and Hell. Others do not want to hear
about them and talk so much about grace. Some even get angry when you share
about the realities of Heaven and Hell and warn men about sin. One begins to
wonder who they are angry with, the men who pay the price in bringing these
messages or Jesus who takes them there to show them these things? These
revelations are truly extra-Biblical revelations, but for the Spirit-filled,
they are confirmations of what the Bible teaches.
how long do we despise this gracious eternal life-line? Indeed, father Abraham
was right after all. Look at this:
“Then he said, I pray thee
therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have
five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this
place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let
them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them
from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses
and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead”
(Luke 16:27-31).
has gone a step ahead, taking people to see Hell and Heaven, and sending them
to come and warn us, but what do we have today? People still believe there is
no Hell; others believe the stories about Hell are false and too horrible to be
true. Indeed, father Abraham was right when he said “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be
persuaded, though one rose from the dead”. He was saying that if the people
will not hear the messages being preached, they will neither hear a message
from anyone who dies and is taken to see Heaven and Hell. And that is what is
happening today.
other day, I was attempting to share with someone (of the Jehovah witness sect)
and showed her a story from Hell (about the founder of Jehovah witness in
Hell). She said the man who claimed to have been taken to Hell and saw those
things was lying. She never believed there is any place like Hell. According to
her and others, God is too good to throw anyone into fire. Indeed, father
Abraham was right after all.
about people who frown at the messages of Heaven and Hell? There are believers
who feel it is either of no need to throw emphasis on Hell, and they cling
their “arguments” on grace and faith. Some even despise these revelations and
insist that whatever is not in the Bible is not required of us by God.
quote scriptures to assist their sinful and erroneous ways of life. They say
Jesus turned water to wine, and to them that is a license to consume alcohol.
Others argue that ‘smoking’ is never mentioned in the Bible, so it is never a
sin (perhaps a bad habit). But, the Bible mentions uncleanness (including
smoking, masturbation, alcohol, etc) as sin. And then, Jesus took someone to
Hell and showed the person a place where those who drink alcohol and smoke end
up. But even with all these, human beings still do not believe these things are
sinful (they argue with scriptures), and worse of all, they do not believe Hell
is real.
was right after all...or, need I say that father Abraham was right after all.
Jesus gave the illustration using father Abraham. And this same way God is
using many to tell us to escape the coming judgement. For how long shall we
despise this gracious eternal life-line? In eternity, there shall be no more
life-line. Is your name in the Book of Life?
“And whosoever was not found
written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev. 20:15).
please, keep me on the way to Heaven; keep me unspotted in the world. I don’t
want to miss rapture; I don’t want to miss my home in Heaven...I just want to
see your face oh Lord. Is anyone praying this prayer with me?
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