- It is taking side with God against the world. You
cannot belong here or there...you are either with God or against God. And
truly, once you are not with Him; you are against Him.
- It is staying right in a wrong world. It is not
joining the multitudes to do evil. It is saying NO to sin and compromise when
others say yes. It is opting out from corruption and chosing to stand still while
others dance away to the tune of corruption, bribery, and compromise.
- It is chosing the unpopular way which is sometimes
(if not most times) the hard way when others follow the popular and wide way.
It is standing for what you believe is right and pleasing to God no matter who
is displeased. It is putting God first ahead of men's impression. It is doing
that which may earn you ridicule and odd names just because you chose the right
- It is remaining on God's side even when you remain
the last man standing on that side. That point where shame is dead and men's
opinion of you counts no where near what God sees of you. It is preferring to
be seen as 'too serious' or 'taking this faith too far', etc, than live to
flesh and the ways of sin. It is that point where nobody moves you like
God...where you just obey God's word and instruction without analysis.
- It is adjusting your life to be confromed with
God's word and not adjusting the word to suit you and your ways of life and/or
thoughts. When it becomes no more your will but His will. When you say not,
'God please have a say but let me have my way'...but you live for nothing but
His will. When you understand what really matters in life is eternity and
realising that the only thing that will matter when all else (including fame,
money, beauty, work, cars, houses, etc) has failed to matter is eternity.
- It is looking forward to His coming, because it is
written, " So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto
them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto
salvation" (Heb. 9:28). He came to bear the sins of MANY...but He shall
appear (in Rapture and His second coming) to only those 'that look for (and
love) his appearing'.
"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:
and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (2
Tim. 4:8).
And so today I pray (for me, my family, you, and
everyone), that when He shall come may He find us STANDING (and not fallen by
the wayside) in Jesus' name. Maranatha.
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