What you are about to read contains
a brief story of my life...I was led to put this down for someone who needs it
(And it’s 12.10am, and that is exactly what I am still doing). There are times
when I write and feel this strange feeling like Jesus is standing behind me
nudging me to do it...I felt that for this, and I know He is going to minister
to someone. I encourage you to read to the end and share with somebody.
you are going through now will definitely be over soon. Problems do not come to
stay, they came to pass away, and in the end it shall be said of you that ‘It
came to pass’.
are things you learn by suffering. Suffering here means going through some
tough situations at certain points in your life. Even Jesus leant obedience through
suffering: “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which
he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8). “To make the captain of their salvation perfect
through sufferings” (Hebrews 2:10b)
have learnt many things in life through sufferings at a point in my life. The
truth is that life’s best lessons are learnt struggling; in the heat of the
sun; on the streets. When you see a man in whom God glorifies Himself, do not
be so interested in the man’s glory without consideration of the story upon
which the glory has been formed. There is hardly a glory without a story.
People may not like your story but they cannot deny your glory.
truly great man you see has a story behind what you see. They learnt from their
stories. Personally, like someone said, I have learnt to give not because I
have accumulated enough but because I know what it means not to have. Also, I
have learnt never to look down on anyone no matter where they are today and the
“funny” job(s) they are doing at the moment...As a matter of fact, my best
quote is “Anyone can become Anything in life”.
when I do minister and share my life’s story and where I am coming from, many
who just got to know me now usually are amazed. I remember those days many
years ago when I literally had to fight poverty...had to engage myself in car
wash business, selling of pure water in the market, bricklaying jobs, etc.
There is hardly any job type that you think is odd that perhaps I never
did...my list is very long! I only wait for the ripe time to write a book
detailing what I went through as a young man who would not allow tough
situations and poverty overcome the greatness in him. My textbooks were almost
always never complete in college not to mention how tough it was to pay school
fees at certain times. But in all those things, we pushed on...the dream did
not die.
secondary school, it took another 6 years to get admission. I remember those
days of mountain top prayers under the heat of the sun and inside the heavy
harmattan cold. The days of marathon fastings. There was one time we were on a
7 day marathon (dry) fasting, and I won’t forget on the 6th day, as I stepped
out of the room to go for prayers in the leaving room, I felt a kind of
dizziness and staggered, about falling backwards and then someone held me from
behind. There was a year the number of days I fasted was more than the number
of days I ate (and lots of them marathon fasts). My story can make you cry if
you hear just 10% of it. But we did not give up. Today, I am both a Medical
Doctor and a Minister of the gospel by His grace...happily married to a
Computer Engineer turned banker...been so privileged to minister the word
before large congregations in Churches, Campuses, and Conferences...Been able
to mentor many people by God and for God, with many protégés. I’ve been on TV
many times...was once a presenter on AIT (Kano), and until lately, was a
regular Radio guest on Love FM...Written a book, deeply connected to my
mentors, and even gotten personal mails of “earthly” commendation from Pastor
Sam Adeyemi of Daystar (my mentor)...And then above all, I have retained my
love for God, growing daily in grace and increasing spiritual passion, and
you are going through, do not be discouraged and prompted to think compromise
or short cut, instead fix your eyes on the glory ahead. This was what Jesus did
when He was been molested...He simply set His eyes on the glory ahead, and He
looked beyond the cross and the pains; “who for the joy (glory) that was set
before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right
hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). This was what Stephen did when he
was been stoned, he saw glory ahead and he withstood the ongoing suffering;
“But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and
saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55).
Sufferings cannot cross into glory with you. There is a check point of destiny
where sufferings will get to and will be checked out of your life...beyond that
point, your life enters into glory and no devil can suffer the heat of that
was led to share this with somebody. There is a tomorrow for you into which
struggles and failures have no access. It is just in front of you...Never give
up! And do not allow sin kill your destiny. Flee from fornication...‘Any time
you commit fornication, something dies in your future’. Fornication was all
Joseph needed to have committed and his future would have ended as a dream. Sin
is a destroyer of glory. Many people have sold their lives to sin unknowingly
and they get into the future and find it is an empty future. The devil will not
empty your future in Jesus’name.
I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared
with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). I see the glory of
God unfolding in your life!
you need counselling and/or spiritual help, please be free to reach me. You can
send us an email via info@treasuredhouse.org or to my personal e-mail drwilliams4j@yahoo.com )
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