Thursday, 6 February 2014


TEXT: Isaiah 65:24
“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear”
God is all-knowing; he knows the needs and the thoughts of man. The truth is that even before you pray, God knows what you are going to say. This is the point where some people miss it. They argue that ‘if God knows their needs and knows what they would pray about, why then should they pray’?
On SPIRIT’S SWORD DEVOTIONAL today we consider seven (7) reasons why you MUST pray to the all-knowing God.
1. Prayer is beyond asking; it is a dimension of spiritual fellowship and communion with God.
You must stop seeing prayer only as an asking tool. Even when you have nothing to ask, go to God in prayers and commune with Him. Tell Him how you feel and let Him talk to you. If you have a father; do you spend all your time asking him for one thing or the other? No. there are times you communicate as father and son. God longs for Father-son relationship with us and one of the best places for that is on the altar of prayers.
2. Prayer is a expression of trust and dependence on God
Even when He knows what you need, He ties your receiving to your asking. “Ask, and it shall be given you” (Matthew 7:7). To still ask is to demonstrate that you trust Him to give you.
3. Faith is both built up and confirmed in the place of prayer
4. Prayer purifies
Prayer is fellowship, and in fellowship God purifies us by His words which He speaks to us (1Timothy 4:5; John 15:3; 17:17).
5. Prayer is an instruction and not optional
Prayerlessness is sinfulness. When you don’t pray, you are being unfaithful to God.
6. Prayer is a well from whence you draw strength, inspiration, direction and other spiritual virtues.
7. And finally, God knows what you want to say before you pray, but you can know what He has to (to you) when you pray.
Prayer opens your ears and eyes to what God is saying and/or passing across.
If you fail to pray, you have a different spirit because Jesus prayed (Matthew 26:36); The Holy Spirit intercedes i.e. prays (Romans 8:26). God knows your needs, but He is waiting for you in the place of prayer.
“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

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