Thursday, 6 February 2014


TEXT: Genesis 18:14
We began looking at the nature of God’s timing yesterday in the context of Abraham’s life. Today, we shall conclude on that and look closely at some practical steps that can be taken so as not to miss God’s timing. If you missed yesterday’s devotional, you can read it up via this link:

Nevertheless, we take a summarized recap;
1. It is certain to come no matter how long it seems to take
2. It will come regardless of human limitation or imagination
And moving on;
3. God’s timing is not a respecter of satanic/demonic manipulation
There are enemies that try to delay and deny some people their destinies through manipulation. But for a child of God whose life is holy and acceptable to God, when God says it is time, the devil’s opinion or manipulation does not stand nor count.
When it was time for God to restore Job, He (God) did not need the devil’s consent, counsel or opinion. The devil had vanished out of sight because Job stood faithful till the end. It is unfaithful (and not enemies) that disqualifies some from enjoying God’s timing for beauty.
4. When it arrives, it commands overtaking and enforces restoration
When it is God’s time, things happen in a positive chain reaction that makes unbelievers to start questioning the source of the glory in your life. Peninnah was used to mocking Hannah, but when it was God’s time for Hannah, Samuel alone was mightier than all Peninnah’s children put together.
5. God’s timing brings God’s blessings which comes with elements of preservation
What God gives you at His time is preserved from every form of evil. No devil could have killed Isaac…he was a product of God’s timing. When God gives you a miracle, it is preserved. When the devil gives things, he comes back to take them and multiplies sorrows in return.
1. Remain faithful to the end
2. Be determined to trust God no matter how long it takes or how impossible it looks
3. Be receptive to God’s instructions and leadings, and be willing to obey
4. Be sensitive to timings and seasons
5. Stay constantly connected and committed to God in spiritual fellowship
Remember, whatever God has promised, He is able to perform. Keep the faith and hold on to God. I see grace working for you!

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