Sunday, 16 February 2014


“The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out” (Leviticus 6:13)
God created man and put His nature in man. This nature of God in man has dimensions of operation and spiritual relevance. An example of God’s nature is holiness. And man must live holy in order to be able to operate at God’s level because God is holy. And yet another dimension of this nature is fire. God is fire, and man is supposed to be fire in order to be able to relate with God. It takes fire to connect fire. Spiritual fellowship between humanity and divinity is fruitful when it is at fire level.
Spiritual coldness or lukewarmness is anti-kingdom. Coldness promotes habitation for carelessness and sinfulness. A cold life cannot attract divine presence. The visitation of God to Abraham was attracted by heat (fire) and not coldness…his life was burning for God;
“And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day” (Genesis 18:1).
When your life is hot, you attract God. It is simple; God is fire and when He sees a life on fire (for Him), He comes! A fireless life is the reason for a struggle-filled life.
How do one fan the flames to generate spiritual fire? Well, you may expect me to begin to highlight the number of hours to spend praying, studying the word, or the number of days to spend fasting etc. However, I shall outline some fundamental principles behind these spiritual elements.
(i) PRAY MORE: Increase your prayer time; grow your prayer life. You cannot maintain a 30 minutes prayer life daily for 2 years. Go the extra mile on your knees. Prayers don’t kill people; they raise people.
(ii) SLEEP LESS: Excessive sleep is anti-spiritual growth and fire. Too much sleep burns out spiritual fat. Reduce your sleep hours and add them to communion moments with God in prayers, word study or meditation. Stop sleeping all your nights; wake up and set your altar on fire
(iii) BE MORE DISCIPLINED WITH TIME AND FOOD: You must cut away things without eternal values. If your TV is an opposition to your fellowship and spiritual growth, throw it out of that room! You don’t have business with movies when you have not carried out kingdom business. It is error to spend two (2) hours watching a movie if you have never gone two (2) hours praying. Disconnect from friendships and gistings that eat your time and leak your fire. And discipline with food helps you to fast more.  
(iv) VALUE EVANGELISM: When you are committed to witnessing, grace and power flows your direction (Acts 4:33)
(v) FELLOWSHIP WITH THE BRETHREN: Corporate fellowship fuels spiritual fire and provokes unction (Psalm 133)

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