Friday, 28 February 2014


It has been inspiring and rewarding learning of the Lord some virtues to help us maximize God-given relationships. And today we round off on this series as we seek to unveil practical ways to maintaining relationship and keeping its fire burning while maximizing the potentials stocked up in these blessed relationships.
(i) Avoid getting into unnecessary debates and arguments which ultimately lead to strife
(ii) Be quick to forgive. To accommodate hurts without forgiving is to accumulate stress. And where stress abounds, rest is not near.
(iii) Pray for each other
(iv) Do not be parasitic, always waiting for other people to make sacrifices and commitments. One of the best ways to live is to give. Learn to give your time, talent, money etc for others.
(v) Don’t engage in slander or hypocrisy; be real and straight forward. What you sow into friendship is what you reap.
(vi) Shelve ego aside; be humble to accept your errors and wrongs and be quick to apologise.
(vii) Overcome any form of inferiority complex or superiority mentality. Remember you need each other to fulfil destiny.
(viii) Put God ahead of anyone or anything in your relationship with people. Be committed to pleasing God first and above all.
The value you attach to relationship determines the volume you extract from relationship. You must develop a different but spiritual approach to your dealings with people. Remember, you do not need everybody to become who God wants you to become, but you certainly need those whom He has raised for you. Your association determines your motivation, and your motivation fuels your acceleration in life. Destinations are missed where associations are wrong. It is time to get it right. Greatness starts in God; to live for any other thing is to live for small and end in hell.

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