man sinned in the Garden of Eden, his entire being was affected.
His spirit:
disconnected from God. He lost relationship with God (God is Spirit)
His body: became
vulnerable to affliction, oppression, and sickness
His soul: became
destined for hell.
wonder man died the most horrible kind of death – spiritual death.
came Jesus, and restored the life that was lost, and now have we hope of
eternal life in no other than Christ Jesus.
we now continue in sin, we are despising the redemptive work of Christ on the
cross and making our spirit once again disconnected from God, our body
vulnerable to satanic oppression and afflictions, and the soul hell-bound.
a man sins, something dies somewhere in him. Though because the death is not
always physical people think nothing happens. But there is spiritual death and
it is worse than physical death. For example, whenever you commit fornication,
something dies in your future. This is so true. Look at Joseph, should he have
committed sin with Portiphar’s wife, he certainly won’t die physically immediately,
but the future (the spiritual) would have been gone. This is one meaning of the
scripture “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4b). It
is spiritual death here, and in eternity. “For the wages of
sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
This will not be our portion in
Jesus’ name.
the real enemies of humanity are not witches, sicknesses, demons, or poverty,
it is sin. When we overcome the life and power of sin, we have overcome the
devil...and we shall inherit eternal life.
the powers of sins and negative addictions be broken in our lives in Jesus’
name. Amen.
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