Tuesday, 19 February 2013


When you see the devil using the tool of worldly music to fulfil his agenda, he is using his talent and many people are not aware of this. The devil was created to be the head of the Heavenly choir before pride entered him and he fell. And the Bible says that “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29), so it happened that when the devil was deported and excommunicated from Heaven, he retained this gift of singing. And now he is using this gift in a perverted manner and sending souls to Hell.
Let me state that the devil does not have the power to create gifts. “All things were made by God” (John 1:3). But, only good gifts are from God; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17). So where does bad stuff come from? The devil! He perverts every good thing God made.
God made music, the devil has perverted it and now we have secular, carnal, sexual, all worldly music. God made sex for marriage; the devil has perverted it and introduced pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, etc. And the purpose of the devil is to use these media to send many to Hell.
Look at these worldly musicians; the devil lies to them making them feel he is the creator of music. He sings apparently beautiful songs to them; he gives them inspirations; he promises them fame and money, and lures them into a covenant of soul-tie. They believe him and sell their souls to him only to join him in Hell when they die.
It is important to realise that every gift you have is given to you by God and not the devil...but when you now use that gift in a way that breaks the heart of God, the devil has taken over your gift and is perverting it. You are now helping him to enlarge Hell. All these musicians that admit their talents are of God; that is very true. But that it is of God does not make it pleasing to God. God gave you a good voice, and you now sing in night clubs and worldly parties where people dance half naked and immorality is high...stop saying you thank God for what He is doing for you. God did not give you that gift for you to use it that way; the devil has hijacked your gift and you are serving him.
Look at it this way; you create an e-mail account for your good use, then a scammer hacks into your account and hijacks your proceedings. This is exactly what has happened to many young people. Your account is the gift, and the devil hacks into many people’s lives and hijacks their gifts. Someone gifted in dancing will now start dancing satanically-inspired dance steps and in parties. Those who have gifts of writing will now begin to write pornographic lyrics, songs and movies. Those who God gave the talent to sing will now begin to sing erotic and sexually-intriguing songs. And there will be musical videos of half-naked women singing and dancing, alcohol, etc. What a hijacked destiny, and this is a reflection of an altered eternity.
Whatever gift God has given us is for us to use positively, to glorify God, to help many people find real life, peace and happiness and to help us and them make Heaven. Any gift that you use to make people fall into sin and to miss Heaven, you will give account of that gift to God. You can still get it right now and God can help you do that. May God work in us to channel our gifts in a positive dimension and an eternal direction. Amen.

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