Monday, 4 February 2013


Isaac married at 40 years (Gen. 25:20).
His wife gave birth when Isaac was 60 years (Gen. 25:26).
-          The wife did not carry pregnancy for 20years, rather she was barren for 20years
-          Isaac waited for 20years for children to come. But there was a covenant upon his life. Yes, but he waited.
-          And the waiting became manifestation; it yielded twins – double portion.
No wonder, the Bible says, “For your shame ye shall have double” (Isaiah 61:7a).
-          There is no period of waiting (on God) in your life that is ever wasted.
-          The wife was barren for 20years (but not forever). Whatever your challenge/mountain is, it won’t be there forever.
Now, look at these:
1.      There was a covenant (Gen. 17:19, 21), yet something did not happen until Isaac prayed for God to open his wife’s womb.
“And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived” (Gen. 25:21).
This tells that things don’t just happen, they are made to happen. And the way to make things happen in your life is by prayer. It is true that God has made a covenant with you, that He has promised you things...but it is also true that God says, “Whatsoever you ask in my name (including the things He has promised and covenanted with you), I will do” (John 14:13). Prayer has the capacity to open up the covenant in your life.
Consider Elijah; God said to him that He (God) was going to send rain upon the land after three and half years.
“Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth” (1 Kings 18:1b).
This was a promise made by God Himself. Perhaps Elijah should have gone to sleep because God promised and it must be done? Elijah did not; rather he went to pray because he knew that the way to connect to God’s promises in the supernatural and make them visibly evident is by prayers.
“And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees” (1 Kings 18:42).
“And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit” (James 5:18).
-          Prayer connects to the covenant and prophecy.
-          A prophecy may remain hanging until the force of prayer is applied. This is the PUSH phenomenon, when you literally P = Pray U = Until S = Something H = Happens (P-U-S-H).
2.      Isaac had delay in childbirth; Abraham had delay in childbirth; Jacob had delay in childbirth (with Racheal).
But all these had the covenant. “Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land” (Lev. 26:42). But are these actually delays? Perhaps in the eyes of men, yes, but before God, they only waited for God’s time, while they prayed. And true, God never failed any of them.
There are many people running up and down, trying many means (including diabolical) just because they feel God is too slow. But the truth remains that if you must partake of God’s covenant and blessings for your life, then you must learn to wait on God.
“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Heb. 10:36).
-          Delay is never denial
-          Anything that delays is certainly coming out big. Abraham became the father of many nations. Isaac became the father of twins (2 large nations). Jacob gave birth to 12 tribes of Israel. Friend, something big will come out of your waiting on God if only you will wait and wait in His will.
And while you wait, pray! Prayer can close the chapter of delay in your life/family/lineage and open a chapter of manifestation.
God bless you.

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