Dear single sisters,
pleases me through God’s leading to write to encourage and appreciate God for
your lives, how you have kept yourself for God undefiled. God sees how you have
chosen to be honourable in a generation where honour appears to have become “Old
School” (like they say). I encourage you to continue to keep yourself for God
and your future husband; this is the will of God.
concerning acceptance of a brother’s marriage proposal, it was laid in my
spirit to share some truths with you. I will be brief.
a man is like a container with contents; this is the complete package of the
man (not just the visible container). The container represents the outward
appearance (complexion, height, stature, etc), and is the colour-design-pattern
chosen by the Maker himself – God.
container is not the real man, it is just dust. The real person of the man is
the content inside the container. The content of the man is not the same as the
container. The container (stature for example) may be small, while the content
is mighty. The content is enveloped inside the spirit of the man and it is who
the man is. Many containers that on the outside appear tiny and rumpled are
carrying high-tension capacity contents that will explode and manifest in
destiny. It is therefore error to judge a brother by his outward size, physique
or skin colour.
ladies have missed their future partners because they judged the men by what
their eyes could tell them. They confused the containers for the contents; or
rather, some despised the containers because they were blinded to the contents
inside those men. The ladies judged the future by what appears to be today. They
did not realize that tomorrow is bigger than today.
sisters already have their minds made up on the skin colour, height, financial
standing of any man that will be worth their consideration. They do not realize
that what defines the man is his content and not the container. In this way, many
have accepted “designer brothers” (because of their heights, grammar,
phonetics, family backgrounds, occupational standing, course of study, etc)
even when these men do not have any spiritual testimony or depth.
Saul had a fine container but eventual faulty content. “He had a son named
Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites – a head
taller than any of the others” (2 Samuel 9:2). May you not fall into the hand
of somebody who looks good on the outside but will cause a close up in your
sisters are carried away by a lie and deception of the devil called “Swag”. They
are on the look-out for some brothers with “swags”, while others have made up
their minds, it must be a lawyer, banker, engineer, soldier, etc. Meanwhile,
these sisters will keep some other humble, God-fearing, potentially promising
and loaded brothers waiting all in the name of praying and waiting for God to
speak. The truth is that, even when God speaks, they either do not hear because
they are already fixated, or they refuse to obey. These men who have been kept
waiting are characteristically perhaps not from rich families, without
immediate “white-collar jobs”, or of a particular stature – tall or short.
sister, if you are in this category, you are under the bondage of flesh. “Then
they that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8). “Now this I say,
brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 15:50).
You may be a sisters’ fellowship leader, but in truth, you are still far from
the kingdom of God.
Important Note
Not every brother
will be like Isaac in the Bible whose father (Abraham) was a billionaire.
Agreed, there are many genuine “Brother Isaacs” around, who are from rich
Christian families, with jobs, cars, etc, but not every brother can be “Brother
Isaac”. Besides, has God chosen “Brother Isaac for you”?
Look at David;
when he got a wife to marry, he wasn’t even a king yet. But David had 2
anchors: (1) His testimony (2) His potentials/dreams/prospects
these are the 2 things that should be underlying factors for who to accept for
marriage once God is in it. What is the brother’s testimony as a child of God? And
what are his potentials, purpose in life, prospects (dreams)? These 3 ‘Ps’ (Purpose,
Potentials, Prospects) birth a fourth ‘P’ called is the Power for a
great tomorrow.
love this re-branded definition of “SWAG”, away from the worldly dimension of
carnality. (S) = Someone (W) = Who (A) = Admires (G) = God. Anything short of
this is express way to future marital disharmony. Worldly swags of jumping up
and down won’t pay house rents and children’s school fees in 5 years to come.
conclusion, many of us have suffered rejections at certain points in our lives
(even in marriage proposals, families, friends, etc), but those rejections
never removed an inch from God’s purpose for our lives. We are fulfilling
purpose still by the grace of God. REJECTION IS A SEED FOR GREATNESS AND
brethren rejected him, but he became a Prime Minister in a foreign land.
Jephthah’s brethren rejected him (Judges 11:2), but they went to beg him to come
and fight for them and made him their leader. Moses was rejected by his people,
but he became the deliverer . Even Jesus was rejected by the people He came for,
but He fulfilled His earthly purpose and went back to His Heavenly glory. No
rejection is big enough to close down your destiny. Anyone may reject you (including
the brother/sister you love and proposed to), remember it is their choice and
not what God thinks about you. If God does not reject you, your chapter cannot
be closed.
wish you all a February dominated by the Spirit.
His love,
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