Monday, 6 August 2012



True Greatness is a calling. Paul said, “Those whom He (God) predestinate them He also glorify”. I and you have been called to a life of limitless success, unmatchable glory, surpassing excellence, great exploits, pure prosperity, outstanding success, positive proofs and remarkable results as Christians. The reason why we reach out for glory is because we have been called, not to shame, reproaches, failures, misfortune, but to a life of true greatness.
Jesus called His disciples and He assured them of a great life, “Follow me and I shall make you fishers of men”. So, finding Peter, a fisherman who was at a point described as “unlearned”, standing and doing great exploits, preaching an “unprepared message” that brought 3,000 men on their feet crying for salvation, it was the product of the call to greatness.
At a point the results were coming out so unprecedented with great testimonies…what an evidence of this calling to true greatness.  One day, they came back with these awesome testimonies; “And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name”. And Jesus gave the ultimate definition of TRUE GREATNESS; He replied them and said, “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because YOUR NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN HEAVEN” (Luke 10:17, 20, Upper Case mine).
What a great definition! True Greatness is not only in getting results (in business, career, ministry, and relationships), it is not only about making name and getting fame…it is a greatness that extends beyond the life here into eternity. It is the greatness that keeps your name in the book of life. It is becoming great in God. In my book “THE SEED OF GREATNESS”, I said, “You can never become great; it is God that becomes great in you”. Any greatness outside God is pseudo-greatness and from the devil. There are many names in the Guinness Book of World Records but not in The Book of Life. Any comedian, musician, broadcaster, footballer, entertainer, politician, motivator, sportsman, athlete…any celebrity who is not truly born again is not truly great and will end up in Hell Fire. But a Truly Great Man is a celebrity who knows God and after life here on earth will return to Heaven.
Rapture will happen anytime from now. Will you be raptured or be captured, tortured and ruptured by the antichrist?! This is the mandate of TreasuredHouse International, “to replicate the life of TRUE GREATNESS in this generation”. May God keep us on the way to Heaven.
I look forward to seeing you in Heaven. I will be there by God’s grace.

In His Greatness,

Dr. Bukola Williams
For The TreasuredHouse Team

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