Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Frankly speaking, these two men should stop disturbing us in a political atmosphere they both negatively contributed to both in antecedents and presently...and I'm talking about OBJ and IBB. The leopard cannot change its skin and to say we expect nothing progressive and constructive from this duo is altogether an understatement.
 Obasanjo may be right in calling the legis-looters, I beg your pardon, I meant to say legislators, robbers, but the truth remains, it takes a thief to catch a thief. This is nothing but the proverbial kettle calling the pot black. Where we are today, I mean amidst this political chaos, is nothing but the handiwork of this man. With his "unfortunate" wisdom he jettisoned a political zoning system which in my opinion is the genesis for the wanton calamities that have followed, take it or leave it.
 For IBB, form they say is temporary but class is permanent. IBB may have lost his form of leadership but we know his "Maradonic" class hasn't changed. We never take him for granted knowing what he's capable of. So when he says he will put on uniform and fight for the unity of Nigeria, I can't but lend his controversial partner's slogan of "I dey laugh o". Even a child born after June 12, 1993 knows the "koko" behind this presumed but pseudo-zeal of IBB. It is purely interests! None of these men can truly fight for Nigeria! They only make the ordinary and perhaps "uninformed" Nigerian think that way, but we know they are all out to protect their financial, business and political interests and assets which are scattered all over the regions that make up Nigeria. They do not love Nigeria with their money how much more their lives.
 How should a Bamanga Tukur or Ahmodu Ali want Nigeria to disintegrate? Not with all the subsidy money that their children have gulped (and who knows, perhaps “like fathers like sons”). These are just surface examples as most of these so-called political fathers are themselves crooks holding the country to ransom, and not one of them has the interest of Nigeria at best their influence and interests are what they strive to protect. Unfortunately, young men would kill themselves and others because of some blood-sucking elements.
 And for Chief Edwin Clark, what else would one expect from a man who has enough to eat? Nothing much, but part of this senility factor at work. And to Boko Haram who have turned themselves blood-sucking activists, they and their sponsors shall never know peace!!! And shamefully, they still find succor in the hearts of some people. But God knows how to reserve the evil and wicked for judgment.
 Once again, I'm sounding it clear...the time of reckoning is coming, when God shall judge everyone that was pollution rather than a solution to Nigeria.

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