Tuesday 14 January 2014


TEXT: Ephesians 4:30-32
We started looking at the subject of forgiveness in God's way. It is important to note that we are considering it God's way and not the way of the world because God's way is the best way. Let us consider the way of the world concerning forgiveness.
1) The world keeps bitterness against the parties involved
2) The world won't hesitate to take vengeance at the slightest available opportunity
Now, bitterness and vengeance are like bombs being carried by those who refuse to forgive against those that hurt them. Look at it; bombs can explode at any time and when they do, the person carrying may be more a victim than the person(s) they are meant for. Therefore, to harbour bitterness and vengeance is to be a potential 'suicide bomber'. A suicide bomber is a risk not just to himself but to innocent people around. This is an offshoot of bitterness and vengeance; they make you a danger to humanity and leave you miserable in eternity.
People who choose this way have choosen the way of the world, and 'those in the world cannot please God.' To harbour bitterness and vengeance is to become an ally to flesh - the number two enemy of God after satan. This is why no one who is bitter and seeks vengeance can make Heaven. Vengeance is sin, and so is bitterness.
What are the ways out of these two elements of unforgiveness?
1) Love the Christ way
2) Pray for the 'offender'; pray for his/her good. If you pray for someone you can hardly hate them.
Prayer dissolves that unseen burden that can cause hurts to thrive and yield bitterness. When you pray for them, love flows from inside you and where love exist grace abounds, and where grace abounds, the devil cannot survive.
Tomorrow we shall consider what it means to love the Christ way. Remember, bitterness makes a person a captive to sin (Acts 8:23). You can carry the Bible and preach the word, but if there is bitterness in your heart sin has captured you!
Supporting scriptures: Job 21:25-26; Hebrews 12:15; James 3:13-14

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