up your gifts and enhancing the capacity of your calling are very essentials in
the pursuit of true greatness. If your callings and gifts remain just the way
you received them, then the manifestations you will experience will be limited.
Jesus will not do above what is available in you. When He wanted to perform the
miracle of turning water to wine, He used the six (6) pots available (John 2:6).
If there were 10 pots, He would use them. So, if the bridegroom had a bigger
capacity, then the manifestation would have been bigger also.
wonder how come after the feeding of the multitudes there were 12 baskets left
full? (Matthew 14:20). Imagine if each disciple had 2 baskets each, perhaps there
would be 24 baskets full. It was 12 baskets basket per disciple. I
am trying to say, God is never limited in His manifestations, it is we that
have limited space and capacities to contain God’s flowing grace.
that when Elisha wanted to perform a miracle, he told the woman to go and
borrow many vessels which she did. The moment all the vessels she had were
filled including the ones she borrowed, there was nothing more to contain what
Heaven was releasing, so there was a divine switching off (2 Kings 4:6). The
same way, when we do not improve our spiritual abilities and make diligence
with our calling, we experience minimal manifestations.
stirring is of two (2) dimensions; physical and spiritual. The spiritual involves
sitting at His feet, learning to be like Him, earning spiritual virtues, and
building character and enhancing spiritual values. This is where you receive
instructions that take you from one phase to the other of your calling. This is
also the birthplace of divine direction, and also from there cometh power,
anointing, etc. Unfortunately, many want His power, but do not realise that it
comes from His presence. If you do not tarry enough to carry His presence, you
will not only struggle with ministrations but also ministry. This is why many
remain in the place of competition (with others), whereas God says; “For the
earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation (not
competition) of the sons of God” (Romans 8:9).
that God can do all things but He won’t do everything for you. At the wedding
in Cana, Jesus did not go about filling the pots with water; He gave an
instruction, “Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they
filled them up to the brim” (John 2:7). Imagine if they were waiting for Him to
fill the waterpots with water Himself. It is not spirituality to expect that
God would do for you things you can do for yourself, it is ignorance.
comes the physical component of stirring up your abilities and towards
fulfilling the calling. This has some spiritual elements and attachments also.
In summation, it involves seeking more knowledge by reading book (of those who
bless you and those who have gone ahead of you and those who have succeeded on
the paths you cherish and are following). It was TD Jakes that said, ‘If you
want to get to destination you have not been before, it is only wise you ask
someone who has been there before you’. Also, you have to listen to the right
messages, and associate with the right people.
but unfortunately, someone was quoted to have said the only book he needed to
fulfil his calling was the Bible. That sounds spiritual, but it is total
ignorance. Daniel declared, “In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood
by books...” (Daniel 9:2). Even Jesus asked more than once this thrilling
question: “have ye not read?” How many books have you bought with your money?
How many have you read? Paul told Timothy, “Study to shew thyself approved unto
God” (2 Timothy 2:15).
is what it means to “give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for
if ye do these things, ye shall never fall” (2 Peter 1:10). It says, if we do
these things (stirring), we won’t fall or fail. And when we have done our own
part, God’s word in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 will find expression: “Faithful is he
that calleth you, who also will do it”. What will He do? He will do His part.
finally, Paul opened up to one major thing that worked for him as he sought to
fulfil his earthly mandate in life and was the HELP of GOD:
“Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day” (Acts
26:22). It is neither by power nor by
might. Can you pray with me, “Lord, I receive help for the fulfilment of my
calling and life purpose in Jesus’ name”. Amen.
further understanding, you can personal request for these teachings: THE HELP
WAY TO GREATNESS, and THE MERCY DOOR TO GREATNESS. Send your mail request to or
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