call it Tattoo. The dictionary describes it as pictures and/or marks made on
the skin. It has become popular among worldly celebrities including
footballers, wrestlers, musicians, and then many young people who delight in
copying what they know little or nothing about. Some people Tattoo as a symbol
of their allegiance to the devil and occultism, while some have seen it as a
fashionable trend and a way to seek attention. But unknown to this latter
group, Tattoo being a symbol of Satanism attracts the atmosphere of satan to
your life and your life becomes accessible to demons. And the work of demons is
to oppress and keep their preys on the way to Hell.
I wish to also let you know that Tattooing is a sin. Here is what God himself
said in the Bible about Tattoos:
shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks
upon you: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:28).
is not a suggestion, but a command, and it is God speaking. Therefore, anyone
who makes Tattoo is disobeying God, and disobedience is a sin...and all sinners
are headed for Hell fire except they repent. TATTOOING IS A SIN!
does not matter who you are, be you a celebrity, once you do not know God, you
are a nonentity! Your name may be in the Guinness book of records, but if your
name is not in the book of Life, you have no place in Heaven. Your fans in
flames would turn out your fans in flames. Your celebrity status will neither
open the gate of Heaven to you nor shut the gate of Hell against you. It is an
eternal error to continue to make name here on earth whereas your name is not
known in Heaven.
is never too late to turn to God for mercy, but this is as long as it is not
yet eternity. But once it is eternity, it becomes too late. And eternity could
just be a moment away for somebody.
God’s grace, part of the mandate which God has given me is to ‘warn celebrities
about Hell and tell them about God’)
counselling and spiritual help, please reach me:
Bukola Williams
+234 803 574
Please let them know, cause they will all give account for every word they heard and never acted upon, ,ay the Lord give us the courage to speak to people about Jesus irrespective of their status in life