Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Many think that since it is God who has bestowed on them callings, then they have no significant part to play in fulfilling that which they have received. They imagine that if God is truly the one who called them, then the same God will do everything for them, so they relax and watch God help them to pray, to fast, to do retreats, to study, to read books, to seek positive is like them saying that God should just fulfil the calling Himself; that is how it sounds. This is unfortunately how many reason it. After all, the Bible says, “Faithful is He who has called you, for He will do it”.
But if that is how the call of God operates, then God does not need us (human channels) to carry out His divine will here on earth as it is done in Heaven...He will just operate directly with His creation and creatures. But God needs us, and this is the height of privilege for us, that the Almighty God takes notice of us. Even the angels never cease to be amazed and wonder “what manner of love the Father has towards us that we should be called the sons of God”, and “What is man that God is so mindful of him?” It is a privilege to be used of God; never has been and never will be a right.
Yes, your calling is of God...but does not mean you will go to sleep and the calling will be automatically and somewhat magically fulfilled without your conscious and deliberate “efforts”. You have a part to play.
For every calling comes a divine measure of grace and in-built abilities. The grace encompasses unction, virtue, and other spiritual elements that will ultimately attract you towards glory. Grace is the pathway to glory. No wonder God said, “I will give GRACE, and then GLORY” (Psalm 84:11, abridged). Many however frustrate this grace and go about saying they need grace...but the truth is that grace is there, waiting to be used! And then, the abilities God has put in you need to stirred, and it is your responsibility to stir them up (by the help of God). “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6). Yes God put the gift in you, but until you stir the gift by every means He makes available, you won’t make progress. Remember that without being a part of the stirring (of the pool), that man was helpless for 38 years. It was mercy that brought Jesus to help him move ahead in life after 38 years of stagnation because stirring eluded him (John 5).
All that you need to become all that God planned is in you and around you, waiting only to be stirred. It is like Lionel Messi saying that God has given him football talents, and so he can sleep all day and still come to shine on the pitch. Error! Even as the best, he and others train and work hard. Are they trying to help God since He gave them the abilities? No. They help themselves fulfil destiny by stirring up the gifts in them. This is where we believers err; we assume that God will do everything for us including depositing gifts in us and placing a calling upon our lives, and then God will help us develop ourselves and make us shine. And this is how there are many lazy believers today.
Paul reminded Archippus about two (2) vital realities when he wrote: “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it” (Colossians 4:17). There is a difference between ‘The ministry you have received’ and ‘fulfilling the ministry’. That you received it does not mean you will fulfil it. Many have received but only few fulfil. What happened? There was a disconnection between ‘receiving’ which is free and ‘fulfilling’ which comes with a price.
(For further understanding about receiving and fulfilling in the context of greatness and success, you can personally request for the teaching: 7 ELEMENTS OF THE GREATNESS CHAIN. Send a mail request to or

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