Tuesday, 6 November 2012


 "And satan stood up against Israel, and MOVED David to number Israel. And God was displeased with this thing; therefore He smote Israel" (1 Chronicles 21:1, 7, ASV).
The devil stirred a move in David to number Israel...It was a move that resulted in untold hardship both for David and the people. What went wrong?
It is not every move that is of God...And it is not every move that carries God. Sometimes back, I taught that 'Not every open door that presents to you should make you move steps to entering through them, because the devil also opens doors'. There are times you are faced with some circumstances and you will be at the verge of taking some actions and making some decisions, and then comes a last minute restraint that saved you a lifetime of regret. This is the reason we should never assume every beautiful and potential-laden opportunity comes from God. Before you take those actions/decisions, be sure to (re)confirm if God is in such moves.
When someone tells you they are moved to do something concerning you, do not just assume those things are being moved by God. We are in a time when it is not just enough to PRAY, but we are encouraged to WATCH (and PRAY). The Bible says "Prove ALL things" (not just some things or many things, but ALL things) and "Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits" (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1).
There are so many "BIG" moves going around but they do not carry GOD, if you doubt me, then ask Elijah, he knows better. He (Elijah) experienced 3 heavy things: A GREAT AND STRONG WIND THAT BROKE THE ROCKS IN PIECES...BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE WIND...And then came an EARTHQUAKE; BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE EARTHQUAKE...and then came a FIRE; BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE FIRE (1Kings 19:11, 12). All these mighty moves (great wind, earthquake, fire) did not have God in them.
There are many so-called mighty moves around us that do not carry the ALmighty. And sadly, many so-called fire-brand ministers are either carrying empty fire or strange fire.
Be sure you never move without God. It may look good, but once it is not God, it is not well. Moses knew this and confessed; "God, I (we) am not moving if you are not moving with me (us)" (Exodus 33:15).
And do you know that David used to know and pray that Moses' prayer when he (David) just started. Remember how he prayed and asked God; "Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake? And God answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all" (1Samuel 30:8). But now, perhaps David had become so big in his own eyes and he allowed a MOVE in his life without putting into consideration the source of the move (which was the devil).
May we never move without God! And should you be on a journey (relationship, business, ministry, etc) without God, it's not too late to turn back. The truth is; a move without God is a move against your destiny, here on earth, and in eternity.
Finally, can you pray with me: "Any area of my life that the devil is standing against me (See how he stood against David in 1 Chr. 21:1), I overcome in Jesus' name".

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