Friday, 30 November 2012


“And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:14)
God is waiting to hear your voice. Some people worry over their issues too much and in turn they confuse worrying with praying. Worries never become prayers. The Bible says “worry about nothing” but “pray about everything”. You do not know what God can do until you lift up your voice to Him not in tears or murmurs, but in prayers of faith.
Joshua was a part of a generational sign/wonder and miracle: “And there was no day like that before it or after it”. Up till today it has never happened again, and of course the world has not recovered from what one man caused in his generation because God hearkened to him. Geographers say that the world/solar system is a day behind and this was traced to the day the sun stood still. It happened because one man prayed.
I perceive that every man is “eligible” to at least one landmark, historic, and phenomenal miracle in his lifetime. For Joshua it was the sun standing still. For Abraham it was a son at that old age. For the woman with the issue of blood it was healing after 12years, etc. It can happen to you too! God is able to do a generational and landmark miracle in your life so much so that generations to come will feel it. It may be just once in a lifetime miracle, but it leaves a lifetime of success and happiness. It may be the end of bareness, the destruction of cancer...something that looks so big. Once it happens, it sets in motion every other process, and like a divine chain-reaction of sort, things that hitherto were not working will just start working and everything falling in place for you.
Amazingly, it was not the whole Israel that prayed, but just one man, but the impact was felt by the nation. Friend, stand out and be the voice that will change things in your the voice that will alter the cause of frustration and backwardness that has hitherto plagued your family lineage and generation. And the best place your voice can be heard is not on the newspaper, not on the media, not on is in the place of prayer. Your first point of call should not be your phone but His throne.
And for the spiritual, miracles are not limited to one, they are limitless. Miracles happen every day. What miracle are you trusting God for today? It is possible.


This strange doctrine that has blown into our pulpits and spread into the congregation like wild fire, carrying away the church.
This strange doctrine that has turned the Church into a business school of ministry and our pastors into “pastor-preneurs”…where what used to be Sunday schools have suddenly become ‘Business Schools of Impactation for success’ or ‘Sunday Morning Financial Fellowship.
This strange doctrine that has turned a ‘House of Prayers’ into a ‘Den of Thieves’…where the temple has become a financial institution and ‘Supernatural Business College’…where financial seminars have replaced midweek Prayer Meetings and Bible studies…where discipleship has been replaced by followership of men and denominations.
This strange gospel that has converted church members into fans and Preachers into celebrities; some even bear the tag of ‘Celebrity Preachers’…Hmmm.
This strange doctrine where faith seminars are about prosperity and how to overcome financial setbacks…where a Church will hold 5 Church services and message titles shall be similar to ‘Pathway to Stardom’, ‘Anointing for Greatness in Life’, ‘7 Keys to an Outstanding Life’, ‘Breaking the Barriers to Progress’, ‘Walking in the Supernatural to Command Financial Liberation’…Hmmm.
This strange gospel that has assassinated the messages of Discipleship, Carrying your Cross, Sanctification, Restitution, Revival, Holiness, Rapture, Heaven and then Hell. This strange doctrine that speaks of rocket faith and one-click faith; that teaches that once saved, forever saved; that talks so much about the good side of God and never makes men see the other side of God which is fearful and consuming.
Is it not this strange gospel that has made others to preach that alcohol, smoking and masturbations are not sins but rather bad habits?
This strange gospel that has sown the seeds of covetousness, complacency and competition into the Church…that makes preachers to jostle for power over a blind congregation…that makes everyone want to own a private university where “poor” Church members are taxed and tasked to their last kobos and then the tution fees of the universities cannot be afforded by more than 80% of the members that sowed into it.
This strange gospel that has reversed the laid down principle of Jesus that states that “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added” and has re-designed it thus: “Seek ye FIRST money, prosperity, and miracles and when thou hath rest, remember there is God in Heaven”.
This strange gospel that reacts angrily when some few believers try to preach about Hell and warn people to flee the wrath to come…it is the same gospel that preaches that God is not a wicked God like people paint Him to be and that He is too merciful to put any one in fear.
Interestingly, but sadly, the devil did not take the gospel away, he just exchanged it with something flashy and flamboyant; flashy Church buildings…flashy TV adverts and programs…flashy messages…and then flashy signs and wonders…BUT no salvation, no holiness and nothing about rapture and Jesus’ coming. The devil is like an angel of light; he is a flashy old man and so he is the source of this flashy and strange gospel without holiness.
Flashy messages have yielded flashy testimonies and flashy tithes and offerings for the preacher who never cares or rather never dares to ask the process leading to the so-called blessing. Indeed this strange doctrine is a flashy one…it has accommodated the world in the church; the world has become ‘Churchy’, and the Church has gone worldly.
But, one day, the owner shall come and He shall separate the wheat from the chaff, and that which appears flashy shall after all be revealed to be chaff and shall be consumed with fire.
“Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel”  (Isaiah 5:24)
“Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12)
Until then, may God deliver us from these strange messages and strange ministers who have been saddled to spread this strange   gospel. Amen.


It is the blessing that God Himself gives and when He looks from Heaven He smiles and is glad. It is the type of blessing that will not take away Heaven from you. It is the type of blessing with no strings of corruption, embezzlement and compromise attached. It is a job that came not on the fulcrum of bribery; a result you carry that is not borne out of cheating; a house that you built without having to make use of cheap labour or substandard materials that would later cause collapse and kill the innocent tenants.
The kind of God’s blessing is first and above all spiritual, which is a saved and sanctified life, living with eternity in mind and Heaven in focus. Mathew 6:33 says, “Seek ye FIRST (not second or later) the Kingdom of God His righteousness, and other things (money, riches, etc) shall be added onto it”. The order of priority is Heaven and Righteousness (spiritual component of the blessing) FIRST, and the other things like money, houses, cars, prosperity, businesses, etc (physical component of the blessing) will be added. These are additions.
But today, the devil has reversed the trend; the strange gospel that came from abroad and has become so established is thriving fast. That gospel that has crucified holiness, godliness, the fear of God, sanctification, restitution, rapture, Heaven, Hell from the pulpit is the gospel of prosperity without holiness. This strange gospel was not what the Apostles handed down. Only very few are preparing the Church for Christ’s return; prosperity and financial seminars in the Church. Business schools of ministry are now replacing mid-week prayer meetings and Bible studies. The old landmark which we have a commitment not to remove is not being removed. The Church has put aside its original assignment (which is ‘Prepare To Meet Your God’) and now chasing consignment (the money, fame, power, etc). This was the error of Gehazi; he left divine assignment and started chasing consignments. He became a story teller at the end of his life.
People are now “unknowingly” taught to seek FIRST life’s pleasures and then rest in God. But this is a fatal error with eternal consequences. Unfortunately, many will get all the blessings, be fully motivated to succeed, but go to Hell because they were either not told about or prepared for rapture and Heaven, and were never warned about Hell.
I believe in physical prosperity; I believe in building faith; I believe in motivation, but I will be a disappointment to God who called me and gave me this mandate if I put these things above and ahead of telling you about rapture and Heaven. This is not only my mandate but the mandate of every believer and minister of God. God in His mercies has been sending messages to men of God and also urging the church to pray for these ministers because many names are not in the book of life, including those of very top and prominent ministers. And I reason to conclude that a spiritual giant before God is not the founder or leader of a church or ministry, but the one who makes rapture when it does happen.
God wants you to be blessed, to have a good bank account, a wonderful house, beautiful cars, and all that you will use to support the work of the Kingdom and live a good life, but of what use will be these blessings if at the end they cause sorrow (in Hell). Remember that the first thing is to be Born Again and living everyday and moment for Jesus with sincere consciousness of Heaven, and the other things (money, etc) will take their places in your life.
I tell you a truth, God is not happy with many ministers of God, prosperity and faith preachers and motivators. God is frowning deeply at the unprecedented rate at which the church and the altars have been taken over by prosperity, prosperity, prosperity, and no more preparation of God’s people for rapture and Heaven. In some churches, the pastors see it as a taboo for any guest minister to mention Hell fire to the congregation. Witness Kenpaul Obieke who has seen Jesus on a number of times said that on each of those account Jesus has not shown a happy face…what is the problem? The church He died for is been misled by pastors and ministers, and Jesus is crying because of many souls that are going to Hell because of these shepherds.

God is not against our prosperity, but He is certainly never pleased when we do not make Him first in our lives. Remember that money will not open the gates of Heaven to you…It is the life of God in you that will. God expects us to live a balanced life with a predominant bias for the things of God, the spiritual component of the blessing. You can make that decision to make your life right with God now because eternity might just be a tick of clock away, and by that time it becomes too late. God bless you.
Related teachings and links:
Should this and other messages bless you, you may wish to request via mail for copies of the messages both in MS Word and PDF formats. No copyright restrictions please. Freely do we receive; freely and willingly we give. Oh that the uttermosts will hear soon enough and our Lord shall come. Your mail requests can be sent to or


It's unfortunate that faith messages have filled the air and are daily been emitted from pulpits. People are charged about a faith speed that operates on 400km/hr, and so they set out driven by the desperate passions of success and fame, cheating everyone they deal with, looting treasury, stealing people's happiness, promoting fraudulent practices, and acquiring results and amassing wealth, then coming back to testify how the faith message has worked. But in the process, they have rendered many hearts broken, taken food away from the tables of many, put tears on the eyes of many homes, many children have died indirectly from their works/actions, etc. They pay tithe and do charity and philanthropy...but none of these is recognized in Heaven. Their so-called faith assassinated their faithfulness and be-clouded their conscience. God is watching!
When your "faith" punctures your faithfulness, you replace eternal values with earthly valuables, and you are not far from judgment.
"The life of a man does not depend on the abundance of the things he has"...and so God doesn't see your successes as meaningful when your success story is built on compromised character and flawed integrity. You might be at the peak today, but you are a glorified thief and a celebrated criminal, the end of who is pity and in the pit. "Bread of deceit is sweet and stolen water, but in the end, the mouth shall chew gravel". "Wealth gotten by vanity shall develop wings and fly away".
What are celebrated in most circles as successes today are heartbreaks before God. True success is when faith thrives on the fulcrum of faithfulness to produce results which reverberates in eternity as rewards. Are you truly successful or you have illegally and deceptively siphon other people's sweat into sweet for yourself? You are claiming faith has worked for you, but soon God will judge you not on your faith but how faithful you are. "Weldone you FAITHFUL servant.." (Matthew 25:21). Are you faithful or a "faith-fool"?
Some people think by giving to the poor and less privileged, and supporting God's work that will make God approve of their misdeeds. NO. God will never identify with that your so-called faith that made you steal, lie, slander, and kill to make money. Rather God is angry that you are bringing polluted money before Him. This is the reason the works of many shall be burnt by fire when tested.
Faithfulness is the real key to multiplication. When faithfulness meets faith, unprecedented results and rewards will follow. If you apply faith and steal, you may get results, but God will not reward you, rather your results will land you in hell.
Do not allow anyone to "sugar-coatedly" push you to compromised success. It is failure in disguise. God bless you.
(Should you desire a complete copy of this teaching, you can send me a mail request via, or


God wants us to be blessed. He has no delight in His children begging and/or wallowing in poverty. No earthly father would be glad seeing his children going about in frustrations and poverty, the same way our Heavenly father does not derive pleasure in seeing you his child suffer. God wants you to be blessed. I once did a teaching titled: BREAKING NEWS: GOD WANTS YOU TO BE BLESSED. I encourage you to read that on my blog. Here is the link:

When you tag government money as national cake to which people have been erroneously deceived that everyone is entitled to by hook or crook, and by so doing you embezzle government money only to come and share testimony of God’s blessings and pay tithes...This is not the type of God’s blessings! You are a thief in the eyes of God, and this is what the bible says about thieves: “Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:10).
That you are associated with Jesus does not mean you are saved. Anytime they talk about the thieves on the cross they associate them with Jesus, e.g. “And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left” (Mark 15:27)...but one still went to Hell. Heaven is not by association it is by salvation. Your association with Church and your membership in all the Church associations including Good Women Association, etc, without salvation is express way to Hell. I pray that God will touch anyone that is affected.
Faith messages these days have psyched people to take their future by faith and if faith does not work, they are advised to seize their destinies by force. And so the people hear the messages and set out into the society, looting everything “lootable” in the name of “the violent shall take it by force”. It is this same greed-precipitated force and erroneous faith that makes Christians forge receipts in their places of work so as to make financial claims which they tag as God’s blessings. This is certainly not the kind of God’s blessings! Hear how a version puts it “(No one who) is a thief, or the worse for drink, or makes use of strong language, or takes by force what is not his, will have any part in the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:10, Bible in Basic English, BBE). When you take what is not yours by force, you are at risk of missing heaven.
People have become so desperate to acquire wealth, and they care less about how they get the wealth. To them, God comes last that is even if God is on their agenda, but they call themselves Christian. The society is filled with Christians who now claim everything by the kind of faith they have heard. They claim other people’s position, whether or not the person holding the position dies or not. People even pray and “faith” fellow believers downfall so that they can rise, and they call it the blessings and promotion of God. Beloved, when your faith means the failure of another, be cautious! When you have to pray for another person to fall/fail/err so that you can take their place and possess their blessings, that is not the God kind of blessings!
When you claim you applied faith to get something and in the process you compromise faithfulness and integrity, your so-called faith has assassinated faithfulness and puts a question mark on your eternity. Any faith work that stains your faith walk is a failed war...a battle you have lost.
 It is a pity today in church we are carried away by people’s results and testimonies of some strange blessings while no one cares about the processes (and sources) of the blessings. Pastors will take huge tithes and not ask the young man the source of the money...they will even pray for the young man to become more blessed so that the tithe will increase. This is why some people will accumulate results here on earth but will have no reward in eternity because the blessings they told everyone about were not the God kind of blessings.
(Should you desire a complete copy of this teaching, you can send me a mail request via, or


It is amazing but disturbing the trend and desperate dimension that prosperity has taken in this dispensation. The ratio of holiness to prosperity if such exist should be 1:99 in percentage. There is an evolution that is prosperity-driven, and ours is a generation that is prosperity centred. Faith and prosperity preachers have evolved in unbridled propensity and they discharge with uninhibited aura. Theirs is a faith that operates at rocket speed and produces one-touch click response. If it doesn’t work for you, then you are “stigmatised” of either having little or no faith or needing deliverance which most times would be premised by you sowing a financial seed into their lives first before (according to them) God will hear you. They never talk about sin; it is not their calling they tell you. They neither lead men to Christ nor warn them about Hell, and do not prepare anyone not even themselves for rapture. They talk faith, deliverance, prosperity, breakthrough, miracles, etc. Indeed, the first (salvation) has become the last on their list that is even if it still exists on that list. Welcome to my generation! A generation that is causing so much tears rather than joy in Heaven.
The preachers are the most flamboyant, flashy suits, flashy cars, even flashy messages and even more, flashy signs and wonders. They have literally made merchandise of the gospel, serving their own (greedy and lustful) purpose and never the purpose of God. Many of them are not even known in Heaven so they cannot be representing God, while some actually started well but deviated along the way...but like Jesus said, “In the beginning it was not so” (Matthew 19:8).
Before they pray for you, you must first sow a financial seed. They have coined names for many ways to unknowingly exploit their ignorant and unfortunate preys (“Christians”) and collect money from them under spiritual disguise and forceful pretence. It won’t be amazing if you find stuff like “sowing into the future ‘seeds’...Preservation from enemies ‘seeds’...Connecting to destiny ‘seeds’...Opening Heaven ‘seeds’...New month divine access ‘seed’...etc”. And unfortunately, these are presented to the congregation and followers not as optional but as mandatory elements for long life and prosperity. These are the types of ministers that seemingly place a cause on your blessing until you ‘bless their lives with a financial seed’. They send their bank accounts to church members like they are having fundraising...but that’s actually how they have turned it; the gospel is now a fundraising merchandise. There are no more messages about holiness, rapture, and spiritual fellowship with God.
Many of them use diabolical means to lure unsuspecting miracle seekers. They tell you things about you some of which come out correct, and where and when they are wrong, they force you to accept what they have said. This one I learnt is called the power of “Do (believe) as I say”, and even when he tells you that you are single while you know you are married, you are manipulated to accept you are single. They go as far as telling you the amount of money in your pocket, your date of birth, etc. But when you hear their testimonies; of fornication, adultery, occultism, etc, you will not only fear for your life, but for theirs and the kind of judgment ahead of them in Hell if they do not repent.
Am I saying that there are no genuine demonstrations of the power of God? There are and we can testify about that. Am I saying it is wrong to preach prosperity, faith, do deliverance and flow in the manifestations of signs and wonders? NO. I believe in faith, for without faith it is not possible to please God. It is faith that connects to blessings and produces results. I believe in prosperity because “it is the blessings of God that maketh rich” and all things are ours. If prosperity were wrong, then God would not have blessed Abraham, Solomon, etc. If Solomon were to be living in our time, he perhaps would have more than one private jet and it would certainly be made of gold. In his time, gold/silver became like ordinary things. And certainly, other brethren would have attacked him for buying golden jets just the way Oyakhilome, Adeboye, and Oyedepo and co have come under fire for allege possession of private jets. I believe in signs and wonders for “God has ordained us for signs and wonders” and “these signs shall follow them that believe...” What then is the problem? That is exactly what the Lord has instructed me to teach.
(Should you desire a complete copy of this teaching, you can send me a mail request via, or


Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is a vital ingredient for an outstanding life. Faith makes things seemingly impossible to become possible. Faith is a master key to an unlimited life of positivity and possibilities. But, when faith is not tamed and channeled appropriately, it can assassinate faithfulness, and thus eliminate eternal life. I will explain.
Faith is good, and indeed "anything that is not of faith is sin". But today, the society is filled with men who "claim" everything by faith, even when some of those things are not theirs to be. People now claim other people's positions by faith, whether or not the person holding the position dies or lives, all they are in for is his/her position. This is forceful disposition to illegally acquire in disguise, and not faith. It is similar to waiting for a divorce or breakup to happen so that you can "possess" (the partner) what may not belong to you in the first place.
When your faith means the failure of another, then be cautious. When you have to pray for another person to fail/fall/err so that your chance can come, then that's not the God kind of faith. This is a hard nut to crack especially in this dispensation of claiming everything by fire and force. Many will be quick to paint the Esther-Vashti phenomenon...but are you Esther? Is it not God that "raises one up and brings another down"?
When you apply faith to get something and in the process you compromise faithfulness, your so-called faith just assassinated your faithfulness and puts a big question mark on your eternity. Any faith work that stains your faith walk is a failed war...a battle you have lost.
Faith might bring results, but faithfulness brings reward. Your results may amaze people, but when God will come, He comes with reward for your faithfulness and not your faith. It is reward that matter in eternity not results. Some people will accumulate results but will have no single reward because they sacrificed faithfulness on the altars of compromise in the name of faith. "Behold I come and my reward (not result) is with me to give every man according to his works" (Revelations 22:12).
It's unfortunate that faith messages have filled the air and are daily been emitted from pulpits. People are charged about a faith speed that operates on 400km/hr, and so they set out driven by the desperate passions of success and fame, cheating everyone they deal with, looting treasury, stealing people's happiness, promoting fraudulent practices, and acquiring results and amassing wealth, then coming back to testify how the faith message has worked. But in the process, they have rendered many hearts broken, taken food away from the tables of many, put tears on the eyes of many homes, many children have died indirectly from their works/actions, etc. They pay tithe and do charity and philanthropy...but none of these is recognized in Heaven. Their so-called faith assassinated their faithfulness and be-clouded their conscience. God is watching!
When your "faith" punctures your faithfulness, you replace eternal values with earthly valuables, and you are not far from judgment..and Hell. "The life of a man does not depend on the abundance of the things he has"..and so God doesn't see your successes as meaningful when your success story is built on compromised character and flawed integrity. You might be at the peak today, but you are a glorified thief and a celebrated criminal, the end of whom is pity and in the pit. "Bread of deceit is sweet, and stolen water, but in the end, the mouth shall chew gravel". "Wealth gotten by vanity shall develop wings and fly away".
What is celebrated in most circles as success today are heartbreaks before God. True success is when faith thrives on the fulcrum of faithfulness to produce results which reverberates in eternity as rewards. Are you truly successful or you have illegally and deceptively siphon other people's sweat into sweet for yourself? You are claiming faith has worked for you, but soon God will judge you not on your faith but how faithful you are. "Weldone you FAITHFUL servant.." (Matthew 25:21). Are you faithful or a "faith-fool"?
Some people think by giving to the poor and less privileged, and supporting God's work that will make God approve of their misdeeds. NO. God will never identify with that your so-called faith that made you steal, lie, slander, kill to make money. Rather God is angry that you are bringing polluted money before Him. This is the reason the works of many shall be burnt by fire when tested.
Faithfulness is the real key to multiplication. When faithfulness meets faith, unprecedented results and rewards will follow. If you apply faith and steal, you may get results, but God will not reward you, rather your results will land you in hell.
Do not allow anyone to "sugar-coatedly" push you to compromised success. It is failure in disguise. God bless you.