Wednesday, 30 April 2014


TEXT: 2 Peter 3:18
Yesterday we began looking at spiritual ingredients that promote spiritual growth. Today on SPIRIT SWORD we look at the instrument of grace in relation to growth.
“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”
There is a spiritual atmosphere that guarantees the flow of spiritual virtues which both fertilize and catalyse spiritual growth. This grace-atmosphere has two (2) basic functions: firstly, it chokes and eliminates anything that tries to prevent growth. In other words, “graceosphere” (from grace-atmosphere) is like a “weed-killer”; it kills spiritual weeds (such as distractions and others). Secondly, the atmosphere of grace attracts divine virtues such as divine presence, unction, power and the anointing – all these are raw materials for growth.
One question we should answer is: HOW DO I GENERATE AN ATMOSPHERE OF GRACE that would in turn make me grow from being a spiritual weakling to a spiritual heavy weight? Someone wants to escape spiritual stagnation, Lukewarmness and backsliding and is asking HOW DO I ACTIVATE THE GRACE-ATMOSPHERE AROUND MY LIFE?
The principle is simple: anything that attracts (the presence of) God attracts grace. Grace travels in the direction of divine presence. If you engage in the things that attract God to you, you automatically attract grace to your life. On the opposite, if you do things that displease and hurt God, your life repels grace. Here are some things that attract God and thus pulls grace into your life:
(1) A LIFE OF WORSHIP: sing worship songs to God; listen to worship (NOT WORLDLY) music and flow along. Worship atmosphere cultivates grace-atmosphere.
(2) SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP: this implies fellowship with God in prayers and also fellowshipping together with other believers. If you hate fellowship, you despise grace and you will not grow.
(3) CONSISTENT WORD INTAKE: read the word; eat the word; listen to the word on tapes. As you ingest God’s word, your faith level rises (Romans 10:17). Faith pulls grace.
(4) UNCOMPROMISING HOLINESS: God is attracted to the holy man. Holiness builds up grace; sin sinks grace.
(5) PASSION FOR SOULS (EVANGELISM): Jesus had genuine passion for souls and this is one of the reasons God gave Him grace without measure. If you are driven by souls and NOT for show, you become a candidate for grace.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to maximize the grace available for me to grow in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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