Thursday, 24 April 2014


TEXT: Acts 6:4
There is something called the Body Mass Index (BMI) where a person’s weight is related to his/her height. The bottom-line is the need for balance. Loss of balance would go for obesity or underweight. This is very vital in spiritual growth – the need for spiritual balance.
Some people are so knowledgeable of how well God wants to bless them while they are ignorant of or not bothered about what God requires of them to make Heaven. On the other hand, some are cumbered about just making Heaven but has little or zero knowledge of God’s will for their lives in this life. In both cases, spiritual lop-sidedness is the issue.
More so, there are people who claim all they know to do is prayers and have little interest/concern in studying the Word. They can pray till tomorrow but cannot study the word. This is like eating food without drinking water and might cause more harm than good. It is usually the cause of spiritual malnutrition. Heavy weight believers combine the word and prayers (Acts 6:4).
The reason for fruitlessness is poor growth. If a tree lacks good (tap) roots, it is likely to be poor in fruit bearing. Any believer with no spiritual base/connection is unlikely to make significant impact. On SPIRIT SWORD we consider three (3) patterns of spiritual growth;
-          GROW DOWNWARD: This is having spiritual depth by digging deep into the word of God and prayers. Until you grow downward, you cannot sprout upward. In this context, the way UP is usually DOWN.
-          GROW SIDEWAYS: This refers to spiritual fellowship with others. Grow in fellowship with others.
-          GROW UPWARDS: This implies being Heavenly conscious and focused.
The truth is that, when you grow downward you will be able to grow upward. Be sure you give attention to every area of your spiritual life in order to avoid “spiritual kwashiorkor” signalling increased vulnerability and susceptibility to manipulation, affliction and wrong indoctrination.

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