Tuesday, 11 December 2012


We live in a world where almost everything is being faked and so much so that there are equally fake human beings. The truth is, if you are involved in and derive pleasure in producing fake things and products, you are a fake human being. And just the way fake things do not last, you, your money and all you accumulate by fake means shall not last.
It is sad how desperate human beings have become in thriving on the wheels of fake things ranging from fake drugs through fake building equipment to fake bathing soaps. When you are confronted with battling lives at their point of death and you are confronted with the face of fake drugs as the only option made available, then you will wish these fake human beings are excommunicated to the other side of life.
How about the incessant collapse of buildings that have killed innocent tenants? It is not only the use of fake and substandard building materials but the application of fake manpower and desire for cheap labour by these fake and godless contractors. It is a phenomenal ‘Fake people using fake products to build fake houses for fake landlords’...The end result is the innocent paying for it. God will judge.
Fake result is another dimension of fake lives. Bribing to get a job offers you a fake job; remember that bribery is ungodly, and so every product of ungodliness does not please God. Whatever God will not give you, you don’t need it (perhaps yet).
And then fake living; claiming and pretending to be who you are not...giving false and exaggerated impressions about yourself. Another one is disclaiming your real identity in the face of environmental influence. This is the reason many people have different personalities even in the church...On Sunday they dress like saints and go to church, sing in the choir, share testimonies, and then on Monday at work, the same person signs 8am when he/she actually got to work at 11am; this same person steals company money; this same person is sent on official errands and inflates cost of travelling only to go to church and share testimony that God has blessed him/her. This is not the God kind of blessing!
This is the kind of life that young people live...a double-standard life. This is why many secular musicians glorifying the devil with their music actually started singing in the church. The other time MI (a secular singer and rapper) was invited to a so-called gospel music fiesta and he held the microphone only to say he was glad to be home in church because that was where many of them started from. Shame! I do not blame him; I blame those who invited him in the name of the gospel... “Dead people on dead pulpits with dead messages”; the dead on the dead cannot yield any impact. Fake human beings!
If you have a second version of your life which is the things you do and you think people do not know, you are leaving a fake life and remember that God sees and knows all, and He will judge both the open and the hidden things. Anything that you do in the name of compromise, whether to get a job, admission, relationship, money, etc, it is fake and it is vanity. The devil is the source of all fake things and this is why everything that is fake, including everyone that is fake (plus fake pastors and preachers) shall end in Hell except such people repent. God will destroy all vanities one day...Be sure you or your life is not vain.
“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase” (Proverbs 13:11). “Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope” (Isaiah 5:18).


  1. I totally agree with you America is fake as hell that same government who wrote a Constitution is the Same government who shot down God's grace took the technology went to the moon put towers emitting signals against God's children they say in God we trust yet it has the illuminati eye of the pyramid on it god saved all his children through Jesus Christ the Cross yet a pagan witchcraft God the Devil is on the dollar bill the government trying to kill me spirituality in front of the world and everyone who played the game dies sad the World would do this but it's true nobody kills my soul I'm saved fuck Earth it's money fame and fortune

  2. I totally agree with you America is fake as hell that same government who wrote a Constitution is the Same government who shot down God's grace took the technology went to the moon put towers emitting signals against God's children they say in God we trust yet it has the illuminati eye of the pyramid on it god saved all his children through Jesus Christ the Cross yet a pagan witchcraft God the Devil is on the dollar bill the government trying to kill me spirituality in front of the world and everyone who played the game dies sad the World would do this but it's true nobody kills my soul I'm saved fuck Earth it's money fame and fortune
