Tuesday, 11 December 2012


The difference between grace and disgrace is "DIS". If you remember, I explained something about "DIS" phenomenon:
D = Disbelief (Lack of faith)
I = Indiscipline
S = Sin
The truth is that the grace that saved us is an immunity against disgrace. But, it is possible to lose that immunity and end up in disgrace. The 3 major factors are Disbelief-Indiscipline-Sin; any one of them is a potent extinguisher of destiny and pathway to DISgrace. And the lead among them is SIN. When you live in sin, you cause depletion in your grace level because "you cannot continue in sin and ask grace to abide. God forbid!" (Romans 6:1, 2a). And as your grace level diminishes your immunity is compromised and you become increasingly vulnerable to attacks (spiritual, health wise, business, ministry, etc), and the end-point is from glory to gory, and grace to DISgrace.
Friend, breakaway from the life of sin (stealing, cheating, gambling, drinking, smoking, fornication, tattoos, secret cult, lying, etc)...let grace find you, and let grace work for you. Grace keeps a life from disgrace...It is the secret of going from glory to glory. It doesn't matter where you are and what you are going through; grace can give eternal identity to an hitherto nonentity. The grace-life is the lifeline to the great-life. The reason there is no true greatness outside God is because there is no grace outside God.
Something changed Paul from a killer to a healer; it took him from being the last and made him first: "For I am the least of the apostles, that I am not meet (qualified) to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am...yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (1 Corinthians 15:9-10). It was grace! It has the capacity to move you from the confines of sin, the shackles of frustration, the wheels of backslidding and retrogression, and from the back seat of stagnation into the front seat of destiny that God has reserved for you. But sin kills.
Grace saves...Grace heals...Grace keeps...Grace works. May you experience unceasing and unlimited manifestations of God's abundant grace. Maranatha.

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