Friday, 21 December 2012


This thing about believers saying God will do everything for them isn’t spirituality at all, but perhaps ignorance. They simply say that since God has said it, whether or not they do anything about it, it shall come to pass. Sounds “spiritual” but indeed, it is error. So, God will pray for you, fast for you, help you study the Bible to locate God’s promises, believe them for you, etc. Hmmm. This is not faith. God has said many things about you, but you have to establish them through prayers and faith. Every word of promise and prophecy would remain hanging until the prayer of faith is released. This is the law of divine establishment of God’s promises.
 Look at this: God told Elijah that He (God) was going to send rain upon the earth after three and half years (1 Kings 18:1). That was an assurance enough for anointed Elijah to perhaps go and sleep expecting the rain to come since that was God’s word. But he did not…He knew that as much as God’s words are forever settled in Heaven, yet for there to be earthly manifestation there must be prayer connection. So, after he (Elijah) had declared to Ahab (according to God’s word) that rain was coming, Elijah went up and “cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees…and he prayed AGAIN, and the Heaven gave rain” (1 kings 18:41-42; James 5:18). The covenant of God to send rain was converted from its raw spiritual form into a visible earthly manifestation by the tool of prayer.
Stop believing God to pray for you or do your responsibility; stop running from one prayer/spiritual house to another searching for who will pray to God for you…who says God cannot hear your voice? When last did you spend time in prayers? When was the last time your voice sounded in Heaven? Have you not read that “the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand” (Rev. 8:4)? Many believers can spend a night watching movies, but cannot spend 1 hour at night to pray…yet they go about talking about one blessing that is delaying. It takes the prayer (of faith) to establish your blessing. Pray! You are blessed.

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