times many do not realize that the today we have will in a few moment become
yesterday...and once it becomes yesterday, it becomes irreversible. And when
today is past and becomes yesterday only then will many realize that they ought
to have made the best use of it.
today you see has a component of it that many do not see and they keep saying
to themselves that tomorrow will bring all their opportunities and avenues.
Like I said, today has a component which is hidden inside it and there are 2
ways to find out; one is by doing today all you have planned to do and never
procrastinate till tomorrow. When you explore today you will realize that most
times beyond the “ugly” face it may present, deep inside it lies a gift of God
carefully packaged to make your life blessed. This is the reason every new day
carries a new dimension of glory, but the ones who actually partake in it are
those who persist even when the beginning of the day looked dull.
The second way to realize there is something
positive about today is to simply let it pass and become yesterday. This is the
difference between people whose lives count and the others...It is all about
what they do with today before it becomes history and is called yesterday.
Bible says, “Now (implying today and not tomorrow) is the day of salvation” (2
Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 3:15; Luke 23: 43). Jesus told the thief on the cross,
“Today (not tomorrow) you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). He also
told Zaccheaus, “Make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy
house” (Luke 19:5). It is all about today!
you do today has a superior edge over what you will do tomorrow. Today is a
gift and it has a special component called YES. This YES is often not noticed
until you decide to make use of today despite whatever frustration or
discouragement that comes with it and without procrastination.
YES is the hidden answer behind every difficult situation that confronts your
life and ministry. It is a YES to your salvation, YES to your expectations, YES
to your prayers in line with God’s will, YES to the prayer of faith and
healing, etc. It is this YES that becomes so obvious by the time today is past
and becomes YESterday. This is why many people look back and discover there is
actually a YES(terday) that had come and passed but they never saw it. It is
like Jacob saying “God is here, but I never knew it”.
look back and see all the opportunities they allowed to slip away; all the
decisions they procrastinated about; all the things they could have done but
did not do. They discover that those situations that confronted them and appeared
would have hit them down were not as they appeared, but they had YES hidden in
them; the YES to the answers they were looking for. They start to wish
YESterday could come again, but alas it is gone.
is there an opportunity you have mistakenly allowed to pass? Perhaps, an
opportunity to make your life right with God, to forgive and reconcile with
somebody, to be of help to someone, to right a wrong, to bring a change, to
stand for something right and positive,
to impact your environment..I bring you good news, though it came and passed,
but God has brought today as another opportunity for you to make it right. Will
you allow today pass by you again and become another yesterday, or you will use
it accordingly? Thomas missed the first appearance of Jesus, but he had another
chance to be re-joined to the apostles, “And after eight days again his disciples
were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus” (John 20:26a). He
had another opportunity and this time he used it. God is giving somebody
another opportunity to secure eternity in Heaven and escape the wrath of
judgement to come.
is a YES hanging today for you to step into the love of God and enter into
divine destiny. There is a YES today, use it before it becomes a YES-terday.
God bless you.
Dr. Bukola Williams, TreasuredHouse International,,,
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