Monday, 5 May 2014


TEXT: Psalm 106:29
God created us and gave us gifts, talents and abilities. And these potentials and power given us are intended by God to be used for impartation of the world positively and edification of the church. But what do we have today? Pornographic movies, home videos and magazines among others. People have diverted their talents to help the devil “fight” against God.
One day, God will call you to give account of the gifts He gave you. The impacts of your talents shall be x-rayed. How many people your talents helped and saved shall be evaluated. And on the other hand, how many people your talents misled and sent to hell shall be evaluated.
There are several inventions on-going in this generation. There are people who God gave talents to sing for example, but they are using their gifts against God through worldly songs packaged in musical videos of half-naked women and alcohol-driven men and women. They will call the outcome of their negative inventions as successes and attribute it to God, but this is lie! In such case, God gave the talent, but the devil has assumed control of the talent. You cannot be promoting lusts and immorality and claim to be helped by God. God forbid! Many of them started in God but ended in the world and have become enemies of God (James 4:4).
You must look critically inward and examine how you are handling the gifts and talents of God in your life. Are you gifted in drawing but all you are into is designing nude photos? Are you gifted with computer knowledge but all you do is providing and promoting cheats and spam software, deceiving people and aiding fraud? Are you talented in writing but all you do is write dirty jokes, destructive columns and castigating remarks about God’s servants? Every man shall give account of how he used God’s gifts. 
Joseph was a very handsome young man gifted with wisdom of interpretation of dreams. He didn’t see handsomeness as advantage onto iniquity. And also, by his gift several people lived and didn’t die (Genesis 50:20). Your gift is meant to add to people’s lives and help them find God. If this is not the case, watch out what you are inventing…anything that works against God’s plan for humanity is destined to end in hell with the person involved. That won’t be your testimony in Jesus’ name.
Is God benefitting from your talent and from your inventions?

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