Saturday, 17 May 2014


TEXT: 1 Cor. 13:1-8
There are three basic institutions that influence a person’s way of life and determine his/her place in eternity. These are: The church, The home, and The society. Of these, the home is the real battle front. If you win the home battle, you will serve and grow well in church and live well in the society. Societal failure is mostly due to home failure. For this reason, it is necessary for every single person intending to be married and already married people to understand some vital principles, virtues and values that make the home a fortress.
Today on SPIRIT SWORD we outline seven such spiritual principles for a triumphant home.
1) LOVE (1 Cor. 13:1-8, Eph. 5:25, Co. 3:9)
Love must be fresh in your heart. If due to situations you start finding it hard to love, ask God to increase your love for Him (God). As your love for God increases, your love for your partner re-awakens and deepens.
2) SUBMISSION (1 Pet. 5:5; 3:1-6)
Anywhere there is no submission, there is no communion. Every heart of pride and mind of ego must die. In marriage, you have no reputation to uphold before your partner.
3) KNOWLEDGE (1 Pet. 3:7)
The strength to hold on depends on your depth in God’s word (Dan. 11:32). The knowledge of God’s word empowers you to live in God’s will and reject the devil’s darts (Eph. 6:16). You must also read positive books on marriage/relationship and attend marriage seminars and retreats. You can learn from genuine people.
4) FELLOWSHIP TOGETHER (Psalm 133:1-3)
Pray together, study together, fast together. You must have a family altar; it is the lifeline of togetherness. It is always said that ‘the family that prays together stays together. Fellowship births grace and anointing that sink the devil’s plans.
Avoid secrecy; be open to each other. Anything you want to hide becomes a fertile ground for the enemy to thrive and bring conflicts. Also, avoid harsh words and responses. Ask questions. When he/she is not looking bright; ask questions!
Spend time together and help each other do things. If a man is so anointed and yet cannot help change baby’s pampers when necessary, he needs to step up. Also, go out together and do things in common.
7) AGREEMENT (Amos 3:3)
Agree together and be involved in each other’s decision making.
I prophesy that every distress in your home and family be overthrown by God’s power, purity and peace. I decree that your home distress is turned into fortress in Jesus’ name.

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