TEXT: 1 Timothy 6:17-19
There are people who show kindness while yet there are others
in whose dictionary the word does not exist. Some of those who do not show
kindness usually blame past wickedness done to them as one reason why they shut
off kindness from their lives. The truth is that, if you don’t exist in
kindness, you cannot attain onto greatness.
You should not let the experience of wickedness quench your
expression of kindness. Joseph was in the prison by the act of wickedness
(against him), but he was living by the heart of righteousness. You should
never withhold kindness because you experienced hatred. It takes love to sink
hate. One man who loves can overcome ten (10) men who hate – ask Joseph and his
ten (10) brothers.
It becomes impossible for you to attract kindness when you
don’t demonstrate kindness. Joseph was kind to Pharaoh’s prisoners and his
kindness answered for him from the palace (Genesis 40:14). The truth here is
that NO ACT OF KINDNESS GETS LOST. When you sow kindness, you reap greatness.
Beloved, one test of our faith is the expression of kindness.
Don’t just walk past a hungry man when you have the means to help. Don’t blind
your eyes or deaf your ears to the tears and pains of someone in need of help.
No one would be celebrated in Heaven for the fatness of their bank accounts or
the worth of their wardrobes; but we would be rewarded for those simple acts of
kindness – the tears you helped to clean, the needs you met and the lives you
touched through kindness.
There are people who have never helped anyone in their lives,
and there are those who cannot remember the last time someone benefitted from
what they have. Yet, everyone claims to be waiting for rapture. This is not the
way to be ready for rapture or to make Heaven.
Remember, whatever leaves your hand does not leave your life;
it is both rewarding in this life and in eternity to come. Do good, not once in
a while; do good always. (Galatians 6:10; 1 Timothy 6:17-19).
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