Friday, 21 September 2012


When Jesus sent Peter to get money from the mouth of a fish, He told him categorically the purpose of the money that was coming Peter’s way. Let us briefly see;
“Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them FOR ME and YOU” (Matthew 17:27)
Does God want to bless you? YES! And then, what is the purpose of that “money/thing” He has and will bless you with? Jesus said for; one, ME…and two, YOU! Note that He did not say for YOU and ME. He put Himself (Jesus) as the first and then Peter after that. Whatever God gives you or bring your way is first for His purpose primarily, and then you secondarily, not the other way round. Whatever you have-money, job, etc, (remember what do you have that you have not received, 1 Corinthians 4:7), should first be to serve God’s purpose ahead of your own. But today, the trend as changed, and there is a reversal of trend that has predominated the lives of those whom God has given things (money, job, career, success, family, life partner, etc), and it has now become difficult to serve the purpose of God first above theirs and their friends, families and businesses.
Amazingly, the devil in his craftiness may not stop you from being a “Christian” (see in quote), but he simply takes that first place that belongs to God and replaces it with something that looks like “God” (see in quote)…but in truth, if it is not God, it cannot be God. Anything that takes the place of God however glorified it is, it is a god, and it will cost a man eternity because God hates gods!
When last did you use your money and your time (the most evident) to support the widows, the needy, the gospel? You do not have to take all to church before you give to God. Jesus said, “Whatever you do for any of these, you have done FOR ME”. So, when He told Peter, “give unto THEM FOR ME”, it covers; one, anything that moves the heart of God like helping the needy, less privileged, the sick, etc; two, anything that will move the gospel forward and includes your tithes and seeds for God’s work and God’s people. I try to imagine Peter taking the money from the mouth of the fish and then forgetting that Jesus was waiting, literally unable to move forward in the kingdom work He was doing, and then he (Peter) rushing home to use the money for some other issues like his sick mother in law. Do you imagine that Christ perhaps might not advance from there (we agree the children are free like He said). This is what we cause the kingdom work when we divert God’s blessings in our interest…the work suffers stagnation, why then won’t God ask us in judgment.
Friend, your job is not an excuse to serve God less, and your business and busyness are no excuses why Jesus has not retained first place in your affairs. Sometimes ago I read the revelation of how Jesus told a minister who was taken to be shown Heaven that he was guilty of praying less because the church he pastors had grown big. And Jesus said before Him nothing is an excuse…and then I understood better that scripture that says “Thou art inexcusable oh man!” (Romans 2:1). It means that there is no excuse that your personal evangelism, personal holiness, personal prayer and fasting life have diminished because of the blessing He has given you.
He told Peter, ‘that money that you are going to get, it is firstly, FOR ME (Jesus) and then you (Peter), not the other way round’. And He is telling me and you now that what we have (job, career, knowledge, money, etc) should serve His purpose first above all things. Have you ever used that job to tell somebody about the love of God to sinners, share a tract or stand for the truth in the midst of compromise? One day we shall give account and many would find that their jobs that took the place of God in them were actually meant to have been used to tell men about God.
It is not unlikely that some of us really need to as a matter of urgency redefine our pursuits in life and consciously take Jesus back to the front ahead of our jobs, friends, families, money and ourselves. This could have an eternal significance.
God bless you.

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