is never the will of God that His children should live in shame, poverty and
reproach. In Heaven, we shall walk on gold, which is about the least of the
Heavenly resources. So, living in poverty is not God’s plan for our lives. God
is not poor, Jesus is not poor, and so the gospel of poverty is error.
speaking by revelation declared God’s mind; “Beloved,
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospereth” (3John 2). There is this scripture that is like fire in my
spirit, it says, “Thus saith the LORD of
hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad” (Zachariah
1:17). The word “city” here refers to me and you. Remember that Jesus called us
a “city” set upon a hill (Matthew 5:14). We are a city and not a village. We
are a city and not a common community. Even in Nigeria, there are few cities;
city like Abuja that has facilities for millions of people. So, a city has a
capacity to meet the needs of a generation. And God says we are “a city”
spreading abroad through prosperity. Our lives are reservoir of resources and
by all shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. I believe in prosperity!
ago I was reading the physical description of Jesus as seen by Angelica
Zambrano and I was “impressed” by her details. She described Jesus as “tall”,
handsome and that His feet were “beautiful”, and He wore a golden shoe. So, I
honestly feel it is a form of insult to the Kingdom for we to say that it is
humbleness of spirit for a fellow brother to dress (to church or anywhere at
that) putting on a tie and then a sandal…This is purely a lack of dressing
coordination, lack of understanding and overzealousness which the Bible says
can destroy.
God is our Father and a father will not have all the resources in the world and
derive pleasure in seeing His children putting on rags and living in permanent
poverty. Even the devil is continuously enriching his children and helping them
to promote his works of pornography, tattoos, occultism, secular music, etc…how
much more we that our Heavenly Father owns all things. God wants to bless you;
and as a matter of fact, you have been blessed already…and these including
money, houses, businesses, resources, estates, family, friends, etc. You need
to know that when the Bible talks about riches, it is not just money, it is
I tell you a truth, God is not happy with many ministers of God, prosperity and
faith preachers and motivators. God is frowning deeply at the unprecedented
rate at which the church and the altars have been taken over by prosperity,
prosperity, prosperity, and no more preparation of God’s people for rapture and
Heaven. In some churches, the pastors see it as a taboo for any guest minister
to mention Hell fire to the congregation. Witness Kenpaul Obieke who has seen
Jesus on a number of times said that on each of those account Jesus has not
shown a happy face…what is the problem? The church He died for is been misled
by pastors and ministers, and Jesus is crying because of many souls that are
going to Hell because of these shepherds.
us see the blessing God wants to bless us with. Proverbs 8:22 says; “The
BLESSING of the Lord, it maketh rich, and added no sorrow with it”. The word
“Blessing” here, not Blessings, is two-edged; spiritual and physical, but it is
1 blessing. Let us leave this briefly and look at the ‘fruit’ of the Holy
5:22; “But the FRUIT (not fruits) of the Spirit…” There are 9 of them, yet they
are referred to as fruit, not fruits, meaning it is 1 fruit with 9 dimensions.
Now when a man manifests 8 out of 9, he simply manifests 8/9 (8 over 9), and
this by simple division (8 divide by 9) is 0.88888, 0.9 by approximation. Do
you see that this is not up to 1? So, it is not complete. But when he manifests
9 out of 9, that is like 9 divide by 9 which is 1…a complete life. This is why
it is called fruit (not fruits) of the spirit.
us get back to the issue of the blessing of God. It is 1 blessing, with 2
manifestations: spiritual and physical. When people begin to sing and shout
aloud about physical prosperity, it is a lopsided life, a phenomenal 1 out of
2, which is 0.5; never complete. It is this emphasis on physical blessing of
money, businesses, connections, prosperity, etc with little or no attention to
the spiritual component of this blessing that is causing tears in Heaven.
there are tears in Heaven because the church has lost focus. Ministers have
been declared as eternal disappointments, and many are in Hell because they are
misleading and misled the church by not preparing the flocks for the coming of
the Lord and judgment to come. God does not respect anyone and there is no
favouritism with Him.
blessing of God is first and above all spiritual, which is a saved and
sanctified life, living with eternity in mind and Heaven in focus. Mathew 6:33
says, “Seek ye FIRST (not second or later) the Kingdom of God His
righteousness, and other things (money, riches, etc) shall be added onto it”.
The order of priority is Heaven and Righteousness (spiritual component of the
blessing) FIRST, and the other things like money, houses, cars, prosperity,
businesses, etc (physical component of the blessing) will be added-they are
additions. But today, the devil has reversed the trend, people are now
“unknowingly” taught to seek FIRST life’s pleasures and then rest in God. But this
is a fatal error with eternal consequences. Unfortunately, many will get all
the blessings, be fully motivated to succeed, but go to Hell because they were
either not told about or prepared for rapture and Heaven, and were never warned
about Hell.
believe in physical prosperity; I believe in building faith; I believe in
motivation, but I will be a disappointment to God who called me and gave me
this mandate if I put these things above and ahead of telling you about rapture
and Heaven. This is not only my mandate but the mandate of every believer and
minister of God. God in His mercies has been sending messages to men of God and
also urging the church to pray for these ministers because many names are not
in the book of life, including those of very top and prominent ministers. And I
reason to conclude that a spiritual giant before God is not the founder or
leader of a church or ministry, but the one who makes rapture when it does
wants you to be blessed, to have a large bank account, a wonderful house, beautiful
cars, and all that you will use to support the work of the Kingdom and live a
good life, but of what use will be these blessings if at the end they cause
sorrow (in Hell). Remember that the first thing is to be Born Again and living
everyday and moment for Jesus with sincere consciousness of Heaven, and the
other things (money, etc) will take their places in your life.
is not against our prosperity, but He is certainly never pleased when we do not
make Him first in our lives. Remember that money will not open the gates of
Heaven to you…It is the life of God in you that will. God expects us to live a
balanced life with a predominant bias for the things of God, the spiritual
component of the blessing. You can make that decision to make your life right
with God now because eternity might just be a tick of clock away, and by that
time it becomes too late. God bless you.
encourage you to get the teaching; WHY GOD HAS DECIDED TO BLESS YOU. It is on
the blog @
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