Sunday, 23 September 2012


 It was Paul and Silas that prayed and praised, but when the manifestation came, it didn’t happen to the two of them alone, but all them that were there were set loose. How did it happen? Let us see, and please take note of the emphasis.
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners HEARD them…And suddenly there was a great earthquake…and immediately all the doors open, and EVERY ONE’S HANDS LOOSED” (Acts 16:25, 26).
Did you notice that the only link between the prisoners and what happened was that they (the prisoners) HEARD? What did they hear? The word of God that was coming from the prayers and praises…and because “faith comes by HEARING, and HEARING by the word of God” (Romans 10:17), what they heard was so powerful that it had a positive impact on their lives; they were freed. There is power in what you hear. Many of us have become what we heard.
What do you listen to? How many times do you hear God’s word in a day and in a week? Do you know that some things happening around you are manifestations of the things you have heard consciously and unconsciously? Faith has the ability to make things happen and you wonder how they are happening because you have not done something active…I tell you, many of those things happening are manifestations of things you have heard consciously and unconsciously.
It you must live a life of supernatural evidence, you have to build a wall that emits the word every moment-your phone, computer, and every possible way you can, and stop being a Sunday-Sunday Christian. Build your life on the word…by all means keep hearing the word and it will work for you in ways unimaginable. The word works. God bless you.

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