Tuesday, 14 January 2014


TEXT: 1 Samuel 5:10
In furtherance of our series on the virtues and values of God’s presence we shall undertake in-depth considerations of the impact of God’s presence in the life of some Bible characters.
What makes the difference in a man’s life most times is regarded as grace and the anointing. But deeply, what makes the difference is God’s presence. Grace and anointing are products of God’s presence. The exploits of Jesus on earth and the measure of unction and anointing upon His life were summed up in these words: “for God was with him” (Acts 10:38d). It is ‘God with you’ that gives you edge in life!
Joseph’s journey through life was characterised by God’s presence; from his father’s house, through the three (3) Ps he went through (pit, Potiphar’s house, prison) and to the palace. We here consider just four (4) of the impact divine presence had on his divine destiny.
Joseph became a wanderer at a point in his life not knowing the way to go (Genesis 37:15). And then suddenly direction appeared and he entered the path of destiny. The rest is history today.
You cannot carry God’s presence and end up in the wrong direction. Divine presence has affinity for divine destiny. Even when you are at a junction of confusion, God’s presence takes over the atmosphere, confusion dissolves and your path becomes defined because it is divine (Proverbs 4:18).
Joseph left home at seventeen (17) and came before Pharaoh at thirty (30). For thirteen years he moved from the pit, becoming a house boy and then a prisoner. His brothers could not kill him, Potiphar could not execute him; his life was preserved in God because he carried God.
The presence of God generates an atmosphere of preservation around you (Genesis 35:5), and you become untouchable. Any demon who dares will be electrocuted by the supernatural voltage that is emitted by divine presence (Psalm 105:13-15).
3)      FAVOUR
“But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour…” (Genesis 39:21).
Divine presence is the raw material for divine favour. The way it works is that the presence of God makes mercy available, and where mercy is, favour is birth (Psalm 102:13).
Take for instance, you may not be allowed access into a security enclosed place. But when you walk with the Chief Executive of the place, his presence automatically gives you access because they cannot question him and so won’t question you. The same explains God’s presence and divine favour; when God is with you, doors open to you.
“The LORD was with him, and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper” (Genesis 39:23).
God’s presence is an inestimable asset. You cannot be loaded (with it) and not be needed. When God is with you, His life is in you, and this life flows into everything (positive) you lay your hands upon to do. What makes the difference is not the size, location or competition of what you are doing but the availability of God’s presence. It facilitates supernatural marketing and edges out conspiracy.
Beloved, I know of no other power behind divine destiny than divine presence. And as you spend time with Him and step out for Him, may His presence anchor your life and be the pillar of your eternal focus. Amen.

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