Tuesday, 28 January 2014


TEXT: Psalm 23:6
When God finished creating the Heaven and the earth they reflected God’s nature of goodness and they were described thus;
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a).
Goodness is a part of God’s nature and so is excellence. And He is committed to doing good things in the lives of His children (2 Chronicles 6:14). Anyone who tells you that the only plan of God for your life is suffering, persecution and struggling, that person is ignorant of God’s word, His plans and promises for His children. God, unlike what some people think, is not against you having good things: a good and blessed life, good car, good house, etc. What then should we know about God and His goodness to us?
1. The source of your good(ness) and blessings must be God. Good comes from God. Anything that is not from God (money, child, house, job, etc) is not good and will lead away from God here on earth and in eternity.
2.  God wants to and MUST retain number one place in your heart and in your life. Anything, no matter how good, that takes your heart away from God, will implicate you in eternity. Even if God gave you the job and it has now taken you far from God, that job has been hijacked by the devil.
3. God MUST retain control and remain in-charge of what you have. Anything in your life that is not accessible to God is an idol. This is how money, clothes, houses, jobs etc have become idols to many. Having these things is not sinful, but when these things have you, then you have been setup and in the webs of idolatry and in danger of hell!
4. Your trust must remain in God and not in the “goods”. God should remain the backbone and trust of your life.
If you want good in your life, stay in God and be good to people. Psalm 84:11b says: “No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”. If God will not withhold good from you, no human or witch and not even the devil can keep good from you.

Monday, 27 January 2014


TEXT: Colossians 4:12; Romans 10:1-2
When your zeal is in conformity with His will, your zeal will be fruitful on earth and eternally rewarding in the end. Paul was burning with zeal for the gospel and was winning the lands for Christ but on two (2) consecutive occasions he (and his team) was disallowed by the Spirit from preaching in some places and was led to Macedonia (Acts 16:6-7). Paul’s zeal was swallowed up by God’s will.
Paul on an occasion prayed for Israel that they be saved;
“Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:1-2).
It is clear that zeal alone cannot take a man to Heaven, but zeal surrendered and overtaken by the will of God. The knowledge that was missing was the knowledge of the will of God. It became a prayer point because of its eternal significance;
“For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (Colossians 1:9).
It is good to be zealous. Without zeal a man cannot be effective in seeking and serving God. Infact, we must daily pray for more zeal and passion in our walk and work with God. However, we must maintain the balance between our zeal and His will. In all, no matter how good zeal is, it is always better to check if it is in conformity with God’s will.
1. No matter your zeal and how good it appears, it is profitable not to move unless God says move
2. Be ready not just to seek God’s will but to do it even when it is contrary to your biggest dream and zeal
3. Guard against influences of friends and your environment which may push you zealously but out of God’s will.
4. Understand that not all good things are God’s will for your life. For example, it is good to start a Christian TV station…but is that what God would have you do? If it is of God, it is good; but not all that is good is God’s will for you.
5. Remember, in the end one thing will matter for eternity – not the works of zeal or good, but the things done in God’s will (Matthew 7:21).
In conclusion, if Jesus came to do God’s will, God did not create you to invent your own will. What it means to live for God is to live and do His will. Shalom.


TEXT: Colossians 4:12; Romans 10:1-2
We began a series yesterday, trusting God to help us understand the thin line between ‘zeal for God’ and the ‘will of God’. I explained that zeal is good and Jesus had zeal. But it is possible that a man be so zealous yet it is outside the will of God. We saw that Jesus in spite of His zeal allowed God’s will to be the centre of His living.
More so, we started identifying different dimensions of zeal. We noted that zeal can be contrary to God’s will. Peter was very close to Jesus and had His presence yet he spoke so zealously but outside God’s will. He tried to defend Jesus and even “rebuked” Him, saying: “Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee” (Matthew 16:22). It looked so spiritual and sounded godly that Peter was defending Jesus, but it was pure zeal and not God’s. Today, brethren act in zeal, speak in zeal, do many things in zeal, and when they are corrected, they refuse correction claiming they are speaking for God, whereas they are actually outside God’s will. A thin line indeed!
Today, we continue by looking briefly at some other dimensions of zeal:
3. Zeal can be unbridled
This is the kind of zeal that goes without knowledge; it pushes people out of God’s will. Many abandon school in the naming of running to the mission field because of souls, but that probably wasn’t God’s will for them. They may continue in that and win many souls, but in the end what would count is whether they lived in God’s will or by their own zeal.
There are people who have zealously jumped into opening churches and it is good to preach, but did God ask them to open churches? God respects His will above the most fruitful human zeal.
4. Zeal can be spiritual
This is the zeal-type that is in line with the will of zeal. It is to rise up and pursue with utmost passion what is in line with God’s will. It is to know what God is saying and to be a mouthpiece for Him on earth. It is to know which direction God is taking and to follow suit.
Paul referred to this type of zeal in Colossians 4:12-13;
“Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis”
Brother Epaphras coupled zeal with the will of God.
David is a practical example of a man that had spiritual zeal – the zeal that bowed to the will of God. He wanted to build a house for God, but God said he (David) won’t, and David said “Yes sir”! It is like trying to do something for God or organize a program in God’s name but God says “NO; this is not what I want you to do”. The question is: “Is it wrong to organise spiritual programs”? It is not wrong. But zeal must bow to God’s will.
Tomorrow, we shall consider why zeal must bow to God’s will. Remember, when your zeal is outside God’s will it becomes self-will. And you cannot go far with God and in divine destiny with your will intact…it must bow to God’s way and His will.


TEXT: Titus 2:14b; John 6:38
Zeal is a good spiritual virtue when managed and applied positively. However, there is a thin line between a man’s zeal and divine will which must be balanced and if not handled well a man can confuse human zeal for God’s leading. It is because of this that some people are acting in error and when corrected they maintain they are led but do not know they are driven by zeal and not His will.
Once again, zeal is good. A man can be led through zeal. David had zeal (Psalm 69:9). It is good to be driven by zeal and it is good to be driven by good. Jesus had zeal (John 2:17). He did good things (Acts 10:38). But in all, at the centre of His life and ministry was the will of God (Hebrews 10:7). On SPIRIT’S SWORD DEVOTIONAL, we commence a series on how to channel zeal aright while remaining aligned to God’s will. Your motivation can be by zeal, but let your inspiration be borne of His will.
1. Zeal can be anti-God’s will
This was initially Peter’s challenge being oftentimes driven by zeal which most times were opposite to God’s will (Matthew 16:21-23). Even when Brother Peter was rebuked and corrected, he still did another act by zealously cutting off the right ear of a servant of the high priest (John 18:10).
Some zeal can actually do disservice to God’s work but those involved will think after all they are doing it to defend God. This is why we must be careful what we say in the name of defending the gospel. If because you want to “defend” God’s word you call somebody “foolish”, then you have missed it because such idle words shall be judged by God and whosoever calls his brother a fool is in danger of hell  fire (Matthew 5:22; 12:36). So, we must be gentle, humble but courageous!
2. Zeal can be misplaced
Paul had misplaced zeal: “Concerning zeal, persecuting the church” (Philippians 3:6). He was persecuting the church but thought he was doing God service. And so, when he advised Israel in Romans 10:1-2: “Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge”, he was speaking from experience because zeal is not the same as salvation.
Today, there are people tearing churches apart, causing divisions among church members, promoting gossips in the name of  revival, opposing church leadership, confronting and insulting elders, rebelling against church rules and all simply because they feel someone is not doing something well. The call it zeal, but it is misplaced zeal!
Beloved, zeal can take a man far, but God’s will takes a man eternally. Jesus made it clear that those who will enter Heaven are not those who worked zeal but them who walked by His will (Matthew 7:21-22). Zeal possesses efficacy, buy does not guarantee eternity (Numbers 25:11-13). This is not just milk-word, it is bone-word…he that has teeth let him eat: “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16a).

Thursday, 23 January 2014


1) I was in a public eatery with my wife to make purchases and as we were leaving someone I had never met before walked up and said to me: "Are you a pastor?" Me and my wife were drawn aback and looked at each other in surprise. Then we asked him how he knew that (he had only seen my wife before in the course of official processes), and the man said: "You look like a pastor". That day I was casually dressed on palm slippers, a trouser and shirt. It became clear that God's presence in a man's life is perceivable.
2) I walked into a PHCN office and a woman who works there came across me and said: "Good morning Pastor" as she tried to remember where we had met before. Then shortly after she recalled and said: "Oh, doctor"! It looks like when we carry God we 'smell' God more than we reflect careers or callings.
3) The other day I had a husband and a wife in my clinic and while I was doing something before getting back to talk to them, I heard the couple mutter to themselves these words: "He's a Christian". Divine presence is a stronger aroma than career power!
God, we need you more in our generation! More of your presence and unction in our lives, ministries, callings, careers, etc!! This should be the prayer of every impact-sensitive and Heaven-conscious believer.
I read how Smith Wigglesworth was inside a train and while stood to go wash his hands and return, suddenly a man by his side screamed: "You convict me of sin...who are you?" And before long others said the same thing and he led them to Jesus.
Charles Finney was in a factory looking at one of the machines when a factory worker told him: "You convict me of sin" and others came under the conviction of their sins and the factory had to close down for him to lead them to Christ.
If we must be partakers of the end-time revival, one thing is inevitable and it is the presence of God. Oh that God will soak us in the pool of divine presence and cause our lives to be saturated by the atmosphere of His presence and power. Amen.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


TEXTS: Matthew 7:21-22; Acts 13:36; Romans 12:2
As we round off on this life-changing series, we explore seven (7) rewards for a life of obedience to God’s will.
1. Spiritual service is both effective and acceptable when done in God’s will
Thirty years of service outside God’s will may generate thirty years of results on earth, but has no reward in eternity. Paul in nearly all his epistles made something clear: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God”. He became an apostle, not by choice or be recommendation, but by divine ordination. Anything you become outside the will of God does not count beyond now.
2. Preservation is secured
When you are in God’s will your security becomes Heaven’s responsibility. Angelic ministration is enhanced by dwelling in God’s will because angels recognize obedience to instructions.
The most secured place on earth is neither the American White House nor Nigerian Aso Villa; it is the will of God. Once the devil cannot keep a man from divine will, he has lost power over his life.
3. Purpose is lighted in God’s will
The moment you step onto God’s will you step into the path of purpose. The path of the just that shines brighter is the path in line with divine will. To pursue another man’s will is to end up in another man’s future.
4. Power is available in God’s will
If the will of God is powerful enough to take a man to Heaven, then it has power to bring down Heaven to a man. When you walk and work in God’s will you pull divine forces your direction. To have knowledge of God’s will is to be strong (Daniel 11:32b). God’s will is God’s way to God’s power.
5. Provision accompanies divine will
Every will of God is sustained by divine provision and supplies. Whatever God asks you to do He backs up with budgetary allocations. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).
6. Divine promises are fulfilled in divine will
God’s promises can be tied to some conditions which include obedience to God’s word and leading which are both elements of His will. If a man walks away from God’s will, he may as well have distanced himself from divine promises. Sometimes when prophecies are released people think they are automatic. Divine promises are tied to obedience. If you are not where God wants you to be you cannot enjoy what God has promised. There are benefits of salvation which are available but not accessible to unbelievers.
Isaac was a partaker of the promise because he obeyed and remained in God’s will.
“And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: Sojourn in the land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee. Then Isaac sowed in the land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him” (Genesis 26:2-3, 12).
7. Divine will is a lifeline for destiny and license to Heavenly eternity
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Matthew 7:21-22).
Anyone who is serious about making Heaven will not have difficulty surrendering to God’s will. One thing will count positively in eternity; it is not the anointing, not the prophecies, not the healings and miracles, it is not the crowds and buildings…IT IS WHAT WAS DONE BY THE WILL OF GOD. This was David’s testimony:
“For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep” (Acts 13:36a).
Whose will are you serving presently: Your friends’, pastor’s, parents' or partner’s? It is time to return! (Luke 15:18).