the LORD of hosts had left unto us a VERY SMALL REMNANT, we should have been as
Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah" (Isaiah 1:9, Emphasis
world may be getting bad; corruption littering everywhere - civil service,
police, politics, military, etc...but the Lord has a left Himself a remnant who
will stand with Him and go with Him in the end. This remnant is described as
it not true that the proportion of people who still believe in the truth and
holiness is very few? Many who used to stand are now gone with the majority.
But God's standard has never changed and doesn't look like it would change. We
have to daily live in conformity to His standard. Sometimes we pay for the
truth; it costs us tears, pains, persecutions, etc. But Jesus already told us
to embrace persecution on this journey and to endure affliction as we move on.
It may be painful now, it will be gainful at last. We might pay for the truth
now, but the truth will pay us later when this earthly journey is over, and the
most important and endless journey called eternity begins.
few remnants are in the civil service and they will not defraud the government
or others; they are in the Police force, and they do not take bribes or
compromise their faith in the line of duty; they are in the academia, and they
will neither cheat nor abet cheating. They are in many places, lifting up God's
banner and standing firm for truth, righteousness and holiness. In the end, men
who bowed to idols of sin would have no excuses before the Lord because some
very few men did not bow.
is a question for you sir/ma: Are you among the VERY FEW REMNANT who have
decided not to follow others in living in sinful pleasures and
"enjoying" the rewards of iniquity? Or have you joined them to "enjoy"
life? It has been revealed that about 99% of ministers and churches are on the
way to Hell. It thus confirms that the remnant of the Lord is indeed VERY
SMALL. I ask again: Are you in the number?
Lord I want to be in the number, when the saints go marching home"...that
is my song everyday. Please sing with me.
will not take any man into Heaven; there are preachers in Hell. Money and
material possession will not take anyone into Heaven; there are millionaires
and paupers in Hell. Only Salvation and Holiness will help us escape Hell and
make it to Heaven. As we preach, work and make money, we must give foremost
attention to our salvation and God's holiness in our lives.
your pastor or church is not telling you about Heaven, rapture and how to
escape Hell, but only telling you how much God wants to bless and prosper you
and increase your faith, then they are not telling you the truth. Jesus says
those pastors and churches will be judged because they ignored and concealed
the truth.
you go about your daily schedules, make Heaven and rapture your daily
focus...look forward to His coming...set your attention and affection on things
above where Christ is; do not be carried away with pursuing earthly things and
ignore His coming....it is close.
God take us home to Heaven.
24:12; John 16:32; Acts 14:22; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Timothy 2:3; 2 Timothy
4:8b; Hebrews 9:28b; Hebrews 12:14; James 5:8
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