Monday, 18 March 2013


Many times when we are taught the lives and testimonies of certain men in the scriptures we tend to categorize them into one single category – Men of God, as in prophets, priests, pastors, etc. Indeed they were (Men of God) because by their testimonies they lived on earth, moved Heaven, and made Heaven. This is the definition of a Man of God, and not the round-collar around our necks or bishopric cap on our heads.
The one who is truly a man of God is the one with the typical Elijah’s testimony: “If I be a Man of God, let Fire come from Heaven”…and he capped up his earthly exploit with a rapture-like experience to Heaven (2 kings 1:12; 2:11). He lived on earth, affected his generation and made Heaven.
The one who is truly a Man of God is he who makes impact in this world for God and makes Heaven at last. It is not one who is living on earth without a meaningful purpose of existence yet focusing on Heaven. It is not one who is not doing anything to help and rescue a dying world yet heaps judgments on its inhabitants. It is he who finds himself doing the will and work of God in his office, career, company, family, and goes ahead to make Heaven. This was the testimony of David: “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep” (Acts 13:36). Friend, which generation are you serving?
So, it is important to understand that not all those heroes of faith whose lives we celebrate and learn from today were pastors, prophets, bishops, etc in their days. Many of them were businessmen, political employees, governors, special advisers to kings and presidents, prime minister, and political personalities, yet they never lost sense of their real purpose for living which is to serve the purpose of God (not theirs) in their generation.
The question is: what are you doing for God and in favour of eternity in your career and place of secular assignment? This is what eternity holds against many Christians who rather than uphold the standard of God in their places of income, they have joined the world, to cheat, to compromise, to falsify their ages, to alter figures, to promote iniquity, abet conspiracies, bring down many innocent people and frustrating the plans of God without knowing it. Many are lifting their hands against God’s counsel of holiness and yet they claim they are Christians. Eternity has the answer.
Let us take a glimpse;
Abraham was a businessman of high integrity. He cheated no one. It was God who told Abimelech that Abraham was a prophet, no one knew. “Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live” (Genesis 20:7).
Joseph was not a pastor, but a child of God. He was a child of God before he got the political appointment as Prime Minister, and he remained a child of God after that. But today, many brethren have compromised on the platform of some political appointments. They have sold their voices to money and corruption. Is this not why people now believe Christianity is not compatible with politics. But in the beginning, it was not so. “When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth” (Proverbs 11:10). Today, the reverse is the case.
Daniel was not a pastor or priest, but a child of God who was a disciple and dedicated his life to God. He was in the midst of corrupt colleagues, yet he stood for God in holiness. He was chairman of the governors’ forum, yet his prayer and fasting life was intact and increasing (Daniel 6:1-10). He was career active and yet prayerfully saw great visions. But today, brethren who used to be fire brands have gone cold and passion for God and soul-winning have expired inside air conditioners. When they are questioned, they give excuses of jobs and official commitments. What a generation!!! The likes of Daniel will certainly testify against this generation where iniquity and corruption abound and the love of many have waxed cold.
How about King David; he was not an ordained priest or prophet but an anointed child of God whose life, heart and passion won the heart of God. He moved Heaven and made Heaven. He was a political but an anointed and God-fearing king. Today, believers who have been made kings and priests are turning their hands against the Kingmaker Himself – God.
Time will fail me to mention Biblical and career men who were not necessarily pastors, bishops, etc yet had unparalleled love, undying passion and unquestionable integrity with God. How about Job; he was neither a prophet nor a pastor, rather a blessed businessman who had stainless testimony before God. It thus means that, there is no excuse whatsoever (business or career) for a man who fails to represent Heaven in the line of duty.
These were honest men of good report. They were rich, yet God ruled in their hearts and they preserved holiness. But today, the rich have made prosperity looks like it is indeed wrong, “but in the beginning, it was not so” (Matthew 19:8c).
These men; they did their jobs, pursued their various careers and disciplines, yet they built altars of worship to God both at home and on their paths (fields of endeavours). Right in their “exalted” offices, they exalted God. They would not defile themselves with food offered to idols (bribes and rewards of iniquity).
Friend, where are you today? What has taken the place and service of God in your life? What has separated you from the love of Christ thereby making your love wax cold? What “strange blessing” has taken you away from church, from God and from Heaven? What “open doors” have swallowed up your faith and silenced your voice or truth and eternal reasoning? What has happened to your prayer life, fasting life, evangelism life and holiness life?
Daniel was in the corridors of earthly power yet he relied solely on the power of God in Heaven. His prayer life was unabated and his spiritual strength never failed. He and others were Heaven’s ambassadors and representatives in their various fields. Through their faith, lives and testimonies many knew the Lord. And they made Heaven.
Remember, God placed you where you are so that you can pour forth the life of grace and uphold the horns of righteousness, thereby helping others find the way to eternal life. When last did you do it? Remember, you are there to exalt God and not your office or salary.
One day, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Daniel, and others will stand and testify of these things…what shall be your testimony? “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man” (Romans 2:1).

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