Friday, 19 October 2012


There are times when people whom you look up to and have hitherto taken as inspirations, models, and mentors “refuse” to see things the way you are seeing those things. At such times, some might even see you as becoming rather proud and “over-ambitious”…while others simply believe you are beginning to grow wings. But do you know that such points are not supposed to make you feel dejected and despised…those moments are actually birth places of great destinies for the few who truly understand. The truth is that, when you begin to see and talk things that others are not seeing or talking, then it means you are beginning to take the much needed leap into destiny. You have simply added a third eye to your destiny; the eyes that not only look, but see.
Many people are looking, but only few people are seeing because sight is not the same as vision. What determines your capacity onto greatness is neither your sight nor your size; it has nothing to do with your height…it is all about the things you can see-VISION. The same way we sang as kids, “Some have food but cannot eat”, I think kids of these days should be taught to sing also, “Some have eyes, but cannot see”. Helen Keller, one of the greatest women that lived said, “the greatest calamity to befall a man is not the absence of eyes, but vision”. She was blind from childhood, but her legacies surpass those of a thousand men with eyes. It means great things do not follow people who have eyes, but those who use the eyes they have. The devil may succeed in stealing many things from you, but the moment he steals your vision, he has cancelled your future.
Many times we are imagining and hoping God creates more things we need to become great, but God wishes we understand that all that we need are all around us, waiting for us to see them. Many times that we pray to God to turn things around, He simply goes ahead to turn us around, because it might just be that we were not seeing those things He has placed around us. Other times we pray that, “God open my way for me”, but we should be asking Him to open our eyes to the ways He has set ahead of us. This is an area we oftentimes pray amiss and we say God has not answered us.
When Hagar and her child were dying of thirst, there was a well of water all along very close to her, but she did not see it. And then “God OPENED her eyes, and she saw a well of water” (Genesis 21:19). Did God dig a new well when she “prayed”? No. God only opened her eyes to see what she was not seeing. Sometimes, the answer to our prayer for breakthrough is just God opening our eyes of understanding and insight, and boosting our visions, so that we start to see what we hitherto had been blinded to.
On the mount when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, the providential lamb did not disappear to the spot it was…it had been there, all that took place was that Abraham now “saw” it. “Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in the thickets by its horns” (Genesis 22:13). The ram had been there; the answer to Abraham’s need of a lamb was in the opening of his eyes.
And the same lesson God taught Jeremiah, “what did you SEE”…and this came more than once, and God told him “You have seen well” (Jeremiah 1:11-13). It is what you see that determines what you will seek, and Jesus said, “Seek, and ye shall find…and he that seeketh findeth” (Matthew 7:7, 8). What you find in life is a function of what you see in life.
It is time to pray correctly in this regards. Can you just pray, “God, open my eyes to see the way for me”
Do have a lifted weekend. Jesus is coming soon!

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