Monday, 15 October 2012


I had an experience at a point in my life that changed my line of thought with regards to the activities of the devil. One day we were in the clinic and one of my friends and colleagues (now late) during a discussion said that we should go spend time catching some fun and I replied that I had some things to do with my money and so I won’t be able to afford the luxurious proposal. He then cut in and said that “you are saving money; money that you will die and won’t be able to spend”. Those words ordinarily looked normal, but I can remember how I reacted to those words; I retorted immediately and said “I shall not die…I reject death in Jesus’ name”. Himself perhaps never understood why I said that being that he was a Muslim. Let me tell you what popped up such fierce rebuttal from me.
The Lord gave me the spiritual understanding that those words the young man spoke were not from him, but the devil had taken over his lips to declare to me that “you are saving money; money that you will die and won’t be able to spend it”. And so, my spirit working by the leading of the Holy Spirit reacted by speaking out against those words, thus I confessed “I shall not die…I reject death in Jesus’ name”. Then the Lord gave me an insight from His word which I am about to share with you.
The Lord had said to me that when Joseph was approaching his brothers and they conspired to kill him, it was not the brothers that were speaking but the devil took over them and spoke through them; “let us KILL him and throw him into one of the pits, and we shall say a wild animal killed him” (Genesis 37:20). This summarized the works of the devil which include; ‘to kill, to destroy, and to lie’. So, those words were spoken by Joseph’s brothers but were however coming from the devil who wanted to terminate Joseph’s life and destiny. The same way, those words used by my friends were coming from the devil, but thank God I was spiritually sensitive enough to sense that and rejected it there and then.
Let us see what happened when the devil spoke through Joseph’s brothers. I am sure you remember that Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, and all along when the others were conspiring to kill Joseph, Judah had not been a part of it. The Bible says that many years before Levi (the priest) was born he had been in the loins of his great grandfather, Abraham (Hebrews 7:9, 10). Remember that Abraham birth Isaac who birth Jacob, and then Jacob birth Levi…but Levi while yet in the loins of his great grandfather was said to have paid tithe in him (Abraham). So, seeing it that Jesus was to come from the tribe of Judah, and was literally in the loins of Judah…Judah spoke out against killing Joseph, and the Holy Spirit made me realize that it was not Judah that actually spoke but Jesus (who was in the loins of Judah)..Glory!!! What did He say? It was very typical of what Jesus would say: “Let us not kill him” (Genesis 37:27). And beloved, the words of Jesus (through Judah) prevailed over the counsel of the devil (through the others) against Joseph, and Joseph lived. Imagine what would have happened if Judah did not speak.
It was an experience that changed my life. The devil has another side which is a pretentious character. He would be at work through somebody’s life and people around would not know that he is there, and it would take sensitive people to know. When somebody is just saying things about you and your life in the negative, please do not keep quiet…speak out and reject everything that is contrary to God’s plans for your life, and you might just be silencing the enemy’s counsel over your life.
Speak God’s word against every negative word being spoken by whosoever against your life or your dreams. When someone says what you are pursuing cannot work, tell them it can work by God’s grace. Avoid keeping quiet. Remember, “For by thy words thou shalt be justified” (Matthew 12:37);  “Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you” (Numbers 14:28); “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony” (Revelations 12:11).
Do not allow anyone to use their professions to alter the destiny ahead of you. Use positive confession to usurp every negative profession about your life. The devil might have a say but never let him have the final say over your life. Even Jesus used the word to counter the devil. Speak words that carry life about your life and counter every negative remark against your life irrespective of who is saying it.

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