Friday, 6 December 2013


It was LOVE that made God give Jesus (John 3:16).
And with the coming of Jesus came GRACE (John 1:17b).
There is thus a relationship between LOVE and GRACE. We can put it this way: love is the motivation (the reason/the basis) for grace. Where love is, grace abounds. How does this understanding help us? Quickly:
1)      When you love God, God makes grace available onto you. Your measure of love for God determines the measure of grace you can carry. It is error to fast and pray for grace while your love for God is zero.
How then can a man know he loves God? Yeah, I have done a teaching on this before (you can e-mail me via: for this teaching), but here are two (2) clues:
i)                    When you keep His commandments and live pleasing to Him (John 14:15).
ii)                  ii) When you love other people (1 John 3:18).

2)      When love abides in your family/marriage, grace multiplies in that atmosphere. I call this atmosphere of grace 'Graceosphere' overcomes every contrary and evil atmosphere. Grace chokes satanic manipulations in your family and they die off. And the way to release grace in your family is to express love. Love is a suitable medium where grace seeks to thrive. When you love, grace is available; and where grace abounds, disgrace is absent.
Friend, if you desire to walk in the fullness of grace for life and destiny I recommend to you the way of love. In the end, you can be sure (with love and grace) you will finish well. Be lifted; Live ready; Live blessed.
In His Calling,
Dr. Bukola Williams

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