Friday, 13 December 2013


The call to Christianity is call to absolute trust, complete obedience and unwavering followership of the Master, Jesus. Anyone who is not willing to trust, obey and follow the Master’s ways, that person is not likely to end well in destiny and eternity. Some may manipulate their ways through life, but there is a judge in eternity that cannot be bribed, and “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7b).
There are times when God instructs us to do things in a way that appear humanly foolish to you and others around you. Some may conclude you have gone mad and sometimes you become neglected and hated for doing it God’s way.
Today, I want to share very few insights about God’s way(s) with you:
1)    The ways of God have one sure destination – Heaven! The implication of not following His ways is disobedience, and disobedience is sin, and the end of sin is hell.
2)    God’s ways may appear tough, full of oppositions, but they are the most assured in terms of safety. When you walk in His ways you security becomes Heaven’s responsibility.
3)    God’s ways may appear long, but they are the shortest and safest distances to where you are going in life and eternity.
4)    God’s ways may not always be smooth, so the presence of ‘ups and downs’ do not imply the ways are not of God. Sometimes, when you find a way with no obstacle, be sure it is leading nowhere.
5)    Sometimes God owe you no explanation for the ways He chooses to do/perfect His will and counsel for your life. And sometimes also you may not be able to analyse why. All you have to do is to trust in His wisdom, His will, His WORD, His purpose and His faithfulness, and having done these, just obey!
Disobedience punctures Heavenly race and makes the person unable to end well. You must be willing to seek God’s ways in every area of your life, and as you do, “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it” (Isaiah 30:21a).
We must trust and follow Him even when it does not appear to make sense now. In destiny and eternity it shall not only make sense, it shall make sounds. May God lead you today and always!
(Culled from the teaching; DIVINE DIMENSIONS OF TRUST. Courtesy of: TreasuredHouse Int’l. Ministries. To subscribe to our online Newsletter or monthly online/printable devotional, visit

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