Monday, 25 November 2013


Nathan; he was David’s friend and prophet. Though David was king, Nathan told him the truth however painful it was (2 Samuel 12:1-12). It was a heavy truth that sent David on his knees in repentance.
The reason why we have not seen the fruit of repentance in the lives of some of our friends is because we do not tell them the whole truth. For many, familiarity has sealed their lips for truth. For some, they cannot say the truth because they themselves do not have testimony of the truth.
David saw a man who could tell him the truth and he kept him (Nathan) as a life-long friend. Even on his death bed, Nathan was there (1 Kings 1:23). This was one of David’s secret – love for the truth! Tell him the truth, he would love you more. It was him that said: “The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips” (Psalm 12:3). Truth sustained him and preserved him: “Let integrity and uprightness preserve me” (Psalm 25:21). If you hate to hear the truth, then you hate true greatness and you dislike Heaven. Those who seek to close up the truth end up with a ‘closed destiny’: “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth” (2 Corinthians 13:8).
David heard the truth and repented, whereas Saul heard the same truth but tried to cover up by blaming the people (1 Samuel 15:24). When we wrong, we must accept the truth and repent without looking for excuses. Our attitude to the truth determines our altitude in life through grace.
A friend is someone who tells you not just what you want to hear, but what God is saying to you. He tells you the truth whether you love to hear it or not, but he stays there to help you through getting it right.
Many who say they are believers are comfortable seeing their friends in sin(s) and error(s) and keep quiet. For this reason, many such friends sin comfortably even in their presence. The truth is, if your presence does not ‘rebuke’ or represent a ‘check’ to someone who knows you as a believer of wrongdoing/sin, then check your testimony. By the Holy Spirit’s presence and operation in your life, your presence should ‘discourage’ your friends from their sins/wrongdoing (John 16:8).
What kind of friends do you have around you; those who tell you the truth or tell you want you want to hear? There are people who stopped talking to some people simply because the latter spoke the truth to them. Do you belong here? The truth you do not want to hear might just be your lifeline for eternity in Heaven.
Choose friends whose presence in your life pushes you closer to God and Heaven.

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