Friday, 29 June 2012

 The next time you look at yourself in a mirror, picture not a timid cat but a lion because that is who you are. You are who God says you are and not what others think you are. It is possible you are getting things wrong now and people are saying things about you. But remember, if you were a nobody then they won’t hold their gossip forums to talk about you…it thus means that you are somebody in the making.
 On your journey to success you may be falling, but do not worry; the reason why you are falling is because you are climbing. The reason you are missing is because you are aiming. Those who feel they aren’t falling are most likely not climbing. They feel they aren’t missing and that makes them think they are better than you, but in truth, checkout, they may not be aiming at anything (in life) so they are not missing any target. For you, when your time comes and everything begins to work for you the same people will come looking for you.
 Your genetic identity is that of God Himself. Dogs beget dogs, birds beget birds…God has begotten you and it means (like He says) you are a “god”! Morphologically and physiologically you carry the genetic identity of your father, and if God is your Father, you are divinely insured and covenanted to go farther than your earthly father.
 You might have failed once or more, but everyone has got a recessive gene…so assuming failure is your recessive gene, then success is your dominant gene. By principle, the law of dominance is that of “first importance”, exerting power over others. There is something anatomically called “dominant hemisphere” which is the controlling half of the brain that tends to exercise greater control over certain body functions. Your life is like a hemisphere with a little recessive area called failure…but the main part is the dominant area called success. Therefore, since the dominant is in control, what should control the direction of your life is not failure. Do not allow failure to dictate the path of your destiny. When you allow failure to haunt you, it will hurt you. However little the successes you might have recorded are, that’s it! Success can be little, but it is the dominant…and it is the dominant that matters. Let your success (however little) drive you. Success is powerful so much so that it has a tendency to go wild when not channeled rightly. Success is more powerful than failure, and that is why a single day of success is able to wipe away the memories of several years of failure.
 Whatever you are going through now will not last forever…be it lack of helper/supporter, poverty/financial setbacks, relationship hurdles, marital struggles, family troubles, admission and academic challenges, no job or job loss, failure in business or examinations, etc, live with the consciousness that you are destined for greatness and in the end success will find its way to your life. In the end everything will be okay, if everything isn’t okay now then it is not yet your end. Your positivity creates an atmosphere for possibility. I know you will succeed.
(Thank you for reading Dr. Bukola Williams on THE GREATNESS SERIES. For more on THE GREATNESS SERIES, visit or

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