Friday, 29 June 2012

 The next time you look at yourself in a mirror, picture not a timid cat but a lion because that is who you are. You are who God says you are and not what others think you are. It is possible you are getting things wrong now and people are saying things about you. But remember, if you were a nobody then they won’t hold their gossip forums to talk about you…it thus means that you are somebody in the making.
 On your journey to success you may be falling, but do not worry; the reason why you are falling is because you are climbing. The reason you are missing is because you are aiming. Those who feel they aren’t falling are most likely not climbing. They feel they aren’t missing and that makes them think they are better than you, but in truth, checkout, they may not be aiming at anything (in life) so they are not missing any target. For you, when your time comes and everything begins to work for you the same people will come looking for you.
 Your genetic identity is that of God Himself. Dogs beget dogs, birds beget birds…God has begotten you and it means (like He says) you are a “god”! Morphologically and physiologically you carry the genetic identity of your father, and if God is your Father, you are divinely insured and covenanted to go farther than your earthly father.
 You might have failed once or more, but everyone has got a recessive gene…so assuming failure is your recessive gene, then success is your dominant gene. By principle, the law of dominance is that of “first importance”, exerting power over others. There is something anatomically called “dominant hemisphere” which is the controlling half of the brain that tends to exercise greater control over certain body functions. Your life is like a hemisphere with a little recessive area called failure…but the main part is the dominant area called success. Therefore, since the dominant is in control, what should control the direction of your life is not failure. Do not allow failure to dictate the path of your destiny. When you allow failure to haunt you, it will hurt you. However little the successes you might have recorded are, that’s it! Success can be little, but it is the dominant…and it is the dominant that matters. Let your success (however little) drive you. Success is powerful so much so that it has a tendency to go wild when not channeled rightly. Success is more powerful than failure, and that is why a single day of success is able to wipe away the memories of several years of failure.
 Whatever you are going through now will not last forever…be it lack of helper/supporter, poverty/financial setbacks, relationship hurdles, marital struggles, family troubles, admission and academic challenges, no job or job loss, failure in business or examinations, etc, live with the consciousness that you are destined for greatness and in the end success will find its way to your life. In the end everything will be okay, if everything isn’t okay now then it is not yet your end. Your positivity creates an atmosphere for possibility. I know you will succeed.
(Thank you for reading Dr. Bukola Williams on THE GREATNESS SERIES. For more on THE GREATNESS SERIES, visit or

Friday, 15 June 2012

(By Dr. Bukola Williams) 
 Typical of him, Obasanjo's controversial personality leaves no one in question. When he came up to burst the bubble, calling our law makers not just petty thieves but armed robbers, the lawmakers fired back in defense, throwing missiles back at a man who himself is an atomic bomb. But today, Obasanjo is laughing still, however his laughter like those of his cohorts are tears for Nigerians.
  It appears that our leaders, or should I say rulers, enjoy licking up tears from the eyes of the masses and sucking up the blood of the innocent who are routinely plunged into death by their conspiracy theory of deafness-greed-corruption. Nigerians have become sacrificial lambs upon the political altars of these rulers' selfish exigencies.
  It is only a Nigerian that would prefer prison custody abroad to freedom in his country. Simple, his freedom has been stolen by Boko Haram, militants, kidnappers acting on the orders of their godfathers of political blessedness.
  In Nigeria, a breadwinner is altogether a defence minister, providing security for his family; a petroleum minister, providing fuel for the family's "I pass my neighbour generator"; water resources minister, pushing wheelbarrows with kegs of water; works minister, manually and single-handedly filling up the dejected potholes on the only accessible road to his house. Then all of a sudden, while the innocent family is asleep, a 22-year old plane crashes into their home, killing them all in a split second. Meanwhile, while people mourn, some wicked people smile to the banks with heavy briefcases of proceeds from operating substandard airlines.
Nigeria, where the media have been bought over to promote conflicts through misleading and biased reporting. The Nigerian media remain the number one enemies of Nigeria promoting discord and acrimony in an already fragile and sentimentally compromised entity called Nigeria.
  We woke up and found ourselves in this era when nothing and nowhere is safe (Thank God for being our safety). If you travel by road, the strategized potholes are well positioned to help your journey to Heaven. If you fly, the second-handed three (3) decades old planes are perfectly ready to make you enter into the "Nigerian Bermuda Triangle of No return".
People are now relocating their homes away from the vicinage of police stations because even the police can no longer protect themselves. When you move on the streets you have to watch your steps to avoid stepping on bombs. Then you have to pray hard or say your final prayers before going to church as that could be your last service because gunmen are waiting to help you reach judgment seat ASAP.
 Sometimes you wonder who is saying the truth between JTF and Boko Haram. JTF (probably to assuage their financial sources) will say it has killed almost all Boko Haram suspects, while Boko Haram will refute such claims as frivolous and mischievous, claiming JTF has only massacred innocent civilians. Then before that close of day, another bomb blast with marked casualties would suggest that Boko Haram remains the way they've always been. With increased budgetary allocation to security and yet people not been safe, shouldn't this be shared to all family heads as security bonuses, afterall everyone is his family's Chief Security Officer.
 Who is lying; Obasanjo or the lawmakers? Who's lying; Otedola or Farouk? Farouq (whom we trusted so much as a hope for the common Nigerian) first denied any bribery allegations, then he changed the story and admitted he collected the money but after Otedola pressured him to, and then reported to the police. But just like a lie has many versions, Farouq is like a thief caught with the king's flute but claims to be hiding it for the king. For Otedola, his hands have nearly always never been clean and it takes a thief to catch a thief. So, since only a thief knows his accomplices, then the man who called the lawmakers armed robbers and the lawmakers themselves are all armed robbers, and it's typically a kettle calling a pot black. Only time will judge. 
 But these are mere public shows. Soon, the godfathers of the different factional cabals will sway in to calm warring nerves, the dusts will settle and the whole noise will filter away into space unknown. Then the thieves will carry on with their lives and laughs, while Nigerians never cease to cry. But one day, God will judge every man who was a pollution to Nigeria rather than a solution.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

 Today I bring you the conclusion in this series. Hitherto, I've made some salient remarks which centre on living faith with a perfect conscience and preserved integrity. At the start I cautioned that when your faith means the failure of another, then be cautious. When you have to pray for another person to fail/fall/err so that your chance can come, then that's not the God kind of faith. I went on to add that when your "faith" punctures your faithfulness, you replace eternal values with earthly valuables, and you are not far from judgment..and Hell. And also, I did say that What is celebrated in most circles as successes today are heartbreaks before God. I then raised two salient questions; "Are you truly successful or you have illegally and deceptively siphoned other people's sweat into sweet for yourself?  Are you faithful or a "faith-fool"? Below is the brief conclusion of the series.
 Some people think by giving to the poor and less privileged, and supporting God's work that will make God approve of their misdeeds. NO. God will never identify with that your so-called faith that made you steal, lie, slander, kill to make money. Rather God is angry that you are bringing polluted money before Him. This is the reason the works of many shall be burnt by fire when tested.
  Faithfulness is the real key to multiplication. When faithfulness meets faith, unprecedented results and rewards will follow. If you apply faith and steal, you may get results, but God will not reward you, rather your results will land you in hell.
  Do not allow anyone to "sugar-coatedly" push you to "compromised success"; it is failure in disguise. When you will later on realize it, it might be too late. God bless you.
(You can also read this and other Greatness  Series by the author by logging into Or, visit

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

 Yesterday we started this series, identifying that faith in spite of it's age-long significance, if not channeled rightly could paralyze your faithfulness and spoil your story. I also did state that When your faith means the failure of another, then be cautious. I bring you a continuation of that series.
  Faith might bring results, but faithfulness brings reward. Your results may amaze people, but when God will come, He comes with reward for your faithfulness and not your faith. It is reward that matter in eternity not results. Some people will accumulate results but will have no single reward because they sacrificed faithfulness on the altars of compromise in the name of faith. "Behold I come and my reward (not result) is with me to give every man according to his works" (Revelations 22:12).
  It's unfortunate that faith messages have filled the air and are daily been emitted from pulpits. People are charged about a faith speed that operates on 400km/hr, and so they set out driven by the desperate passions of success and fame, cheating everyone they deal with, looting treasury, stealing people's happiness, promoting fraudulent practices, and acquiring results and amassing wealth, then coming back to testify how the faith message has worked. But in the process, they have rendered many hearts broken, taken food away from the tables of many, put tears on the eyes of many homes, many children have died indirectly from their works/actions, etc. They pay tithe and do charity and philanthropy...but none of these is recognized in Heaven. Their so-called faith assassinated their faithfulness and be-clouded their conscience. God is watching!
  When your "faith" punctures your faithfulness, you replace eternal values with earthly valuables, and you are not far from judgment..and Hell. "The life of a man does not depend on the abundance of the things he has"..and so God doesn't see your successes as meaningful when your success story is built on compromised character and flawed integrity. You might be at the peak today, but you are a glorified thief and a celebrated criminal, the end of whom is pity and in the pit. Bread of deceit is sweet, and stolen water so pleasant but in the end, your mouth shall chew gravel. Wealth gotten by vanity shall one day develop wings and fly away.
  What is celebrated in most circles as success today are heartbreaks before God. True success is when faith thrives on the fulcrum of faithfulness to produce results which reverberates in eternity as rewards. Are you truly successful or you have illegally and deceptively siphon other people's sweat into sweet for yourself? You are claiming faith has worked for you, but soon God will judge you not on your faith but how faithful you are. "Weldone you FAITHFUL servant.." (Matthew 25:21). Are you faithful or a "faith-fool"?
(You can also read this and other Greatness  Series by the author by logging into Or, visit

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

  By instruction, we have skipped the series on "OLD LIES THAT BREED ODD LIVES" so as to bring you something more urgent for the moment. This series will enlighten and lift your spirit.
  Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is a vital ingredient for an outstanding life. Faith makes things seemingly impossible to become possible. Faith is a master key to an unlimited life of positivity and possibilities. But, when faith is not tamed and channeled appropriately, it can assassinate faithfulness, and thus eliminate eternal life. I will explain.
  Faith is good, and indeed "anything that is not of faith is sin". But today, the society is filled with men who "claim" everything by faith, even when some of those things are not theirs to be. People now claim other people's positions by faith, whether or not the person holding the position dies or lives, all they are in for is his/her position. This is forceful disposition to illegally acquire in disguise, and not faith. It is similar to waiting for a divorce or breakup to happen so that you can "possess" (the partner) what may not belong to you in the first place. When your faith means the failure of another, then be cautious. When you have to pray for another person to fail/fall/err so that your chance can come, then that's not the God kind of faith. This is a hard nut to crack especially in this dispensation of claiming everything by fire and force. Many will be quick to paint the Esther-Vashti phenomenon...but are you Esther? Is it not God that "raises one up and brings another down"?
  When you apply faith to get something and in the process you compromise faithfulness, your so-called faith just assassinated your faithfulness and puts a big question mark on your eternity. Any faith work that stains your faith walk is a failed war...a battle you have lost.
  Faith might bring results, but faithfulness brings reward. (TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW)